Mihai Florescu from Kemono Jihen
Mihai Florescu (voiced in Japanese by Daisuke Ono and in English by Matt Shipman) is a semi-main/semi-secondary character in the anime Kemono Jihen.
He lives in a side room at the Inugami Detective Agency, and works with the team there as the one in charge of all their tech connections and providing them with resources on the shadier side of the law. Due to being a vampire, he has had many long years studying and mastering a wide variety of skills, eventually got bored with them, and then became a game creator and tech expert because it was the one thing he could find that was always evolving and kept him entertained.
He has a very typical anime-vampire look, with chin length fluffy silvery-grey hair, pointed ears, and red eyes. The outfit he wears is extremely simple, it is just some of Inugami’s old grey sweats that he let him borrow, which ended up being just slightly too big for his frame.
Grog Strongjaw
Grog Strongjaw is a character from Critical Role, a DnD campaign on Youtube, played by Travis Willingham. He is also a character in Legend of Vox Machina, the animated adaptation on Amazon Prime. Grog is a goliath barbarian/fighter party member of Vox Machina. In his youth, Grog was exiled from the Herd of Storms for taking pity on a helpless old gnome the tribe was attacking. That same gnome took Grog in and raised him alongside his great-great-granddaughter, Pike Trickfoot. While adventuring with Vox Machina, he wielded the legendary Titanstone Knuckles to fight the Chroma Conclave. He forged the Prime Trammels and used the Sword of Kas in the fight against Vecna. Use the light blue paint on your face and body and the black paint stick to draw his markings. Use the white craft fur in the gauntlets and belt. Add some fake blood for effect.
Gus from Brawl Stars
In Brawl Stars, Gus is a boy who passes time in an abandoned train ride, with his balloons as his only companions. He uses them in battle too, tossing them at enemies to do damage.
Scanlan Shorthalt
Scanlan Shorthalt is a character from Critical Role, a DnD campaign on Youtube, played by Sam Riegel. He is also a character in Legend of Vox Machina, the animated adaptation on Amazon Prime. Scanlan is a gnome bard party member of Vox Machina. To support his mother, he spent time travelling with a troupe of performers. In these travels, he had an unknown daughter. When he joined Vox Machina, he came to possess Mythcarver, a legendary sword that helped the group fight the Chroma Conclave. Upon meeting his daughter, he left the party. Scanlan returned later on, earning the blessing of Ioun to become its champion. Scanlan is known for his poorly timed, inappropriate remarks and songs.
Momo from Stray
In the adventure game Stray, Momo is a Companion Robot and a member of the Outsiders. Momo resides in an apartment in the Slums, where he’s lonely and depressed, only a TV with poor signal to keep him company. His long Hawaiian shirt may be a reference to Max Payne, who often wore tropical shirts even in the snow.
Koku from B the Beginning
Koku (voiced in Japanese by Yuki Kaji and in English by Kyle McCarley) is one of the main protagonists of the Netflix anime B the Beginning.
He is a very multifaceted character, starting off the series as a very quiet person, as we learn more about him and the lengths he’ll go to to reunite with Yuna, his quiet and personable demeanor falls away to reveal his murderous tendencies and god abilities.
His appearance does change a fair amount throughout the series, but this specific one I’ve focused on his how he looks later into season one, with messy blackish-blue hair, and two toned eyes, one greyish brown, the other a vibrant slitted blue, and impressive black wings sprouting from his back.
Koku’s outfit in this form is a bit simple, and also damaged, he has a low neck dark blue shirt, blue jeans, a pair of black boots, a brown belt, and a black jacket with front pockets.
Leslie Withers from The Evil Within
Leslie Withers (voiced in Japanese by Kengo Kawanishi and in English by Aaron Landon) is one of the secondary yet key characters in the horror game The Evil Within/Psycho Break.
He is a trauma patient at Beacon Mental Hospital, and is the only person out of the group that gets dragged into STEM that is compatible with Ruvik’s mental transference studies enough to potentially be his new vessel.
Leslie is very pale, possibly due to albinism, and as such has nearly colorless eyes, as well as pale platinum blonde hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. He’s covered in a variety of wounds and skin irritations, some of which could be self-inflicted, or part of the abuse he went through at the hands of the doctors he was in the care of.
The outfit he wears throughout the game is the standard Beacon patient wear, with a greyish white long sleeved straightjacket type shirt that has the Beacon logo on the chest, as well as matching strapped pants. They are both excessively dirty, possibly with a combination of dirt and blood.
Percival De Rolo
Percival De Rolo or “Percy” is a is a character from Critical Role, a DnD campaign on Youtube, played by Taliesin Jaffe. She is also a character in Legend of Vox Machina, the animated adaptation on Amazon Prime. He is a human gunslinger party member of Vox Machina. The De Rolo family once ruled the city of Whitestone, but the Briarwoods usurped control, and Percy just escaped being murdered. Then he started dreaming about demons, which in turn inspired his weaponry. During his travels with Vox Machina, Percy reunited with his sister Cassandra and took back Whitestone. He aided the fight against Chroma Conclave with the magical cape Cabal’s Ruin. Percy and Vex’ahlia marry and have five children in Whitestone. His firearms are now known all throughout Tal’Dorei and Exandria.
Izanami from B the Beginning
Izanami (voiced in Japanese by Mitsuki Saiga and in English by Marianna Miller) is one of the side antagonists turned main cast member of the Netflix anime B the Beginning.
They have a very strong attachment to Koku due to their past history together, as well as the legend of the black winged king that they all have connections to. Izanami, along with Yuna for a brief while, was part of the Market Maker group, and is a very strong fighter, albeit using unusual techniques (a skateboard).
Izanami has very pale hair with a pinkish tinge to it, vibrant blue eyes, and some of the most elaborate makeup out of all the MM members, including drawn on brows, a spiked crescent moon under their eye, and another mouth drawn to the side of their actual one.
There are two main outfits that Izanami wears in the series, but I chose the season one version. Even as a child, Izanami wore a mix of both the boys and girls outfits at Jaula Blanca, and this carried on into adulthood, with the current outfit they wear being a long white button up dress with rainbow buttons, a black suit jacket over top, a black tie around their neck, black gloves, dark cuffed jeans, one pink and white striped sock, one purple and pink striped sock, and a pair of white and black thick soled shoes.
Barrel from The Nightmare Before Christmas
Barrel, voiced by Danny Elfman, is part of the trio of antagonistic Trick or Treaters in the 1993 movie The Nightmare Before Christmas, along with Lock and Shock.
He is presumably the youngest out of the group, and has pale blueish tinted skin, wide eyes with black and purple-red smearing around them surrounding black pupils, turquoise lips, and slicked back wavy green hair.
Barrel wears a costume similar in build to Lock’s, with it essentially being pajamas, but his are greyish or purple (depending on the version) with white stand-out bone detailing on both the shirt and pants. In line with the other two, he also has a trick or treating mask, with his being a white skeleton face that mimics his own.