Marie Schrader
While Marie Schrader supposedly holds a job as a technician at a radiology center, she is best known for being a kleptomaniac with a penchant for all things purple. From her home decor to her wardrobe, if it is purple Marie probably owns it. Whether or not she obtained it lawfully is debatable.
Rose Tyler
Rose started out as a normal nineteen-year-old shopgirl until the Doctor blew up her shop (there were Autons inside at the time – don’t ask). But given the choice between an ordinary life and adventure through all of time and space, Rose chose the latter. Hey, who wouldn’t?
Clementine Kruczynski
In Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, free spirited Clementine, played by Kate Winslet, decides to have her memory erased of her former lover, Joel Barish. They unknowingly rekindle their relationship on a train ride when they decide to “meet in Montauk”.
Peggy Bundy
Peggy is the matriarch of the dysfunctional Bundy family on Married with Children. Her likes include bonbons, talk shows and shopping. Her dislikes include taking care of her children, cooking, cleaning, and Al.
Jessica Day from New Girl
Jess Day is a quirky school teacher who moves into a loft with three men when her boyfriend cheats on her. Shenanigans ensue. Jess is well known for her eccentric/feminine/vintage style and gigantic eyeballs. Who’s that girl? It’s Jess!
Nymphadora Tonks
Nymphadora Tonks (referred to by everyone as just “Tonks”) is an auror and a member of The Order of the Phoenix. She is also a metamorphagus, which gives her the ability to alter her look at will, though she usually chooses her signature bubblegum pink or purple hair. Tonks is notoriously clumsy and is known for her quirky sense of style.
Jordana Bevan
No one made parochial rebelliousness look cooler than Jordana Bevan (Yasmin Paige) in Submarine. It was no wonder that Oliver Tate was so tongue tied around her. She made even the most conservative school uniform look stylish. Her style can be mirrored by throwing on a red coat and breaking some hearts.
Emma Swan
In Once Upon a Time, Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) is a hard-boiled bail bondsperson who learns that everyone in the town is a fairy tale character under a memory curse…including Snow White and Prince Charming, Emma’s biological parents. She must put aside her logic and practicality and take a leap of faith to help her son Henry break the curse and restore the memories of the people of Storybrooke.
Lara Croft
Lara Croft is just your average run-of-the-mill English archaeologist. Dodging boulders, navigating through ancient ruins, and fighting giant stone statues is just your typical day for this video game icon. She’s been somersaulting through hazardous tombs for over a decade and she’s only getting better.