Nobara Kugisaki from Jujutsu Kaisen
Nobara Kugisaki (voiced by Asami Seto and Anne Yatco) is a first-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High alongside Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro in the manga and anime series Jujutsu Kaisen. Under the tutelage of Satoru Gojo, Nobara is determined to stay true to herself and become a fearsome sorcerer. Nobara has short ginger hair cut in a long bob and wears a navy blue school uniform paired with dark tights and loafers. Nobara’s primary weaponry consists of a hammer with a heart on it and nails she imbues with cursed energy. She sometimes requires the use of a straw doll to perform exorcisms.
Minoru Mineta
Minoru Mineta is a character in the hit anime, My Hero Academia. He attends UA High School as a student of Class 1-A in training to become a Pro-Hero. While timid, Minoru is known as the class creep, often ogling the girls. He freaks out in moments of stress and fear, though he is also surprisingly intelligent. This DIY costume lends itself to some craftiness. For the bottoms, stick the dots around the waistband of the shorts, and then hot glue a piece of ribbon underneath. You may find you’ll need hot glue for the dots as well. Use hot glue to affix three balls down the top of the balaclava, and use the rest as props.
Megumi Fushiguro from Jujutsu Kaisen
Megumi Fushiguro (voiced by Yuma Uchida and Robbie Daymond) is a first-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High training to become a sorcerer in the anime and manga series Jujutsu Kaisen. Megumi is secretive and stoic, determined to protect those he thinks are good including Yuji Itadori. Megumi wears a standard Jujutsu High uniform with dark socks and brown ankle boots. If you don’t want to purchase a pre-made costume, you can pair a dark navy blue mandarin collar shirt with matching pants with a high enough hem to show of your boots instead.
Koichi Hirose
Koichi Hirose is a character in the anime Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. He is the deuteragonist of the fourth arc and appears again briefly in the fifth arc of the series. At the start, Koichi is a timid high schooler in his first year. After he befriends Josuke Higashikata, he finds himself entangled in the world of Stand users. Like Josuke, he becomes a stand user and wields Echoes.
Eikichi Onizuka from Great Teacher Onizuka
Eikichi Onizuka (voiced by Wataru Tagaki and Steve Blum) is the main character of Great Teacher Onizuka. Eikichi was formerly a delinquent and the leader of the Onibaku bike gang, though he later aspires to teaching after a run-in with a pretty girl at a mall. Eikichi wears many outfits throughout the series, though one of his most recognizable might be the white suit and red tie he wears to teach a troublesome high school class.
Skinny All-Might
All-Might is a main character in the hit anime, My Hero Academia. His real name is Toshinori Yagi. After sustaining permanent damage from One For All, his declining health reduced him to a very skinny man. The effects of his wounds make it difficult to sustain his muscular, empowered form for long durations of time. Due to the devastating impact on his heroic abilities, All-Might passes the Quirk to Deku. However, he must keep the secret that this is All-Might’s true form. Use the black eyeshadow to give your eyes a sunken appearance, and size up on the clothes to make this outfit extra baggy.
All-Might is a main character in the hit anime, My Hero Academia. He is a famous Pro-Hero, even better known as the Number 1 hero, who saves people with a smile. For that reason, Deku looks up to All-Might as a role model, and he wants to save people as well. His desire to do right as a hero convinces All-Might to pass along his One for All Quirk to him. He is also a teacher at U.A High School, where he must maintain his muscular form to conceal his secret. His design is meant to resemble American comic book heroes, so use the black face paint to draw the lines on his face.
Ms. Joke
Ms. Joke is a character in the hit anime, My Hero Academia. She is a Pro-Hero known as Smile Hero, or Ms. Joke, though her real name is Emi Fukukado. Her Quirk is Outburst, which forces her enemies to burst out into uncontrollable laughter and allows her to take them down. Cheerful and outgoing, Ms. Joke is always indulgent in her goofy sense of humor. She shamelessly flirts with Aizawa, who appears to be her polar opposite.
Mt. Lady
Yu Takeyama, or better known as Mt. Lady, is a character in the hit anime My Hero Academia. She is a Pro Heroine who fights alongside other Pro Heroes such as All-Might, Kamui Woods, and more. Her quirk is Gigantification, which allows her to grow to a gigantic size — nearly 68 feet tall! Mt. Lady certainly doesn’t mind the attention, and she often seduces others to get what she wants.
Kinoko Komori
Kinoko Komori is a character in the hit anime My Hero Academia. Enrolled in Class 1-B at UA school, she is training to become a Pro Hero. Her quirk is Mushroom, which gives her the ability to generate fungus spores from her body. The two guns on her belt are her spray shooters, emitting a gas that increases the humidity and allows her to spread the spores more effectively. She remembers the names of the mushrooms she spawns during battle while making mushroom related puns.