bruce willis
Butch Coolidge from Pulp Fiction
Butch Coolidge played by Bruce Willis is a professional boxer living in Los Angeles. He has gotten into trouble with Marsellus Wallace. Butch double-crossed the mob boss after being coerced into fixing a match. Together with his French girlfriend Fabienne he plans to stay low in a motel until he can escape LA. Butch’s most prized possession is his father’s gold watch which has been passed on from each generation.
Korben Dallas from The Fifth Element
In The Fifth Element, Korben Dallas played by Bruce Willis is a quickly going broke taxi driver and former special forces soldier for The Federated Army. Korben was thrust back into the special forces after Leeloo fell from a building into his taxi cab. He is now on a mission with her to retrieve the other four elements in order to prevent the great evil from destroying the earth. This is a casual costume great for any cosplay or Halloween event.
James Cole from 12 Monkeys
In 12 Monkeys, James Cole (played by Bruce Willis) is a prisoner who is offered parole if he can complete a dangerous mission that involves time travel. James is sent back to 1996 from the year 2035 in order to try and stop a plague from plunging the world into chaos and wiping out millions of people. During James’ first trip back in time, he is inadvertently sent to 1990, where he meets animal rights activist Jeffrey Goines. James wears several outfits, depending on which timeline he is in, but one of his most recognizable includes an army green jacket and burgundy zip up sweatshirt.
John McClane
In Die Hard, John McClane (Bruce Willis) is an NYPD police officer attending a Christmas work party in an LA skyscraper when Hans Gruber take everyone hostage. He goes John Wayne, or Roy Rogers, on everyone’s ass, stealthily working his way through the building and systematically killing Gruber’s henchmen. Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker.
Joe from Looper
In Looper, young Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a time-traveling assassin paid to kill victims sent back in time by a crime syndicate. Things are going just peachy until they send back old Joe (Bruce Willis), his 30-year-older self.
David Dunn
In Unbreakable, David Dunn (Bruce Willis) is a security guard who realizes that he has super powers after he’s the only one to survive a train wreck. And like in most M. Night Shyamalan movies, his kryptonite is the most common of substances: water. His poncho reads “FSU” (for Franklin State University) in yellow letters on the front, and “Security” on the back.