Sailor Lead Crow from Sailor Moon
In Sailor Moon, Sailor Lead Crow is one of the Sailor Animamates. On her forehead is a gold star with a small black feather running through it. She also wears black feather wings on her shoulders and black wing-like panels attached to her bikini. Like a crow, she likes shiny objects.
Crow from Brawl Stars
Crow is a character in the mobile video game Brawl Stars. He is a Legendary Brawler who attacks by firing daggers that inflict poison on his enemies. His first Gadget is Defense Booster which reduces oncoming damage. His second Gadget is Slowing Toxin which slowly poisons the enemies around him. Crow also has two types of star powers that add to his own damage or decrease the effects of enemies’ damage.
Maleficent (Angelina Jolie) is the self-proclaimed mistress of all evil. After being snubbed from the royal christening of Princess Aurora, she curses her to prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a deep sleep. Talk about an overreaction. To replicate the makeup, check out this Maleficent makeup video tutorial.