dc comics

Batman from Batman: The Animated Series

There are more iterations of Batman than most people can count. And each version has a flair all his own. InĀ Batman: The Animated Series, Kevin Conroy voices a Batman steeped in neo-noir style. And it has made this version of the caped crusader a favorite among long-time and new fans alike.

This version of Batman is fairly old-school when it comes to his costume. A grey body suit and soft touch fabric paint will give you the base layer of his costume as well as the perfect insignia, since the style of his insignia is often the most specific change. On top of that you’ll want a pair of black bike shorts and the yellow utility belt. Bike shorts will give a little more coverage than the actual costume but they might also be more comfortable!

Add on some gloves, boots, a cowl, and a cape, and you’ve finished out the costume!

There is one small note on the cape: It is black on the outside and blue on the inside. You can always skip this detail but if you’re determined to get the same look, you have two options. One is to order the same cape in both black and blue, then cut the hems into points and glue them together on all sides using fabric glue until they are one piece. The other option is order a few extra bottles of the blue fabric paint and paint the inside of your cape. Both options will change how the cape moves and how you’ll have to clean it. So keep these factors in mind when choosing how you alter it!


Shado is a controversial figure in the DC comics. In some iterations she is the mother of Oliver’s half-sister. In others she’s is the mother of Oliver’s son. Oliver was delirious when he and Shado slept together though Shado claimed not to know this at the time. It’s a long-standing point of tension on her character. In the CW showĀ Arrow she is a straight-forward love interest at one point, which is only one of the many changes the show made to the character.

Cosplaying as Shado requires a few specific pieces. The most important is a bow with a quiver of arrows as Shado is a master archer. You will also need a black off-the-shoulder shirt and white wid-legged pants. Shado’s shirt has a long black panel in the front that extends past a belt but finding this exact style is difficult. A black scarf can be used to emulate the look while a white scarf can serve as she belt. Black martial arts shoes round out the look.

Shado also has a red dragon tattoo on her left arm which you can recreate with face paints. She is often seen with her hair in a long braid down her back but her style does vary from time to time so the braid is not a hard and fast costume piece though one is linked above.

Cosplaying as the comic book version of Shado is fairly straight-forward.

Lobo from DC Comics


Of all the people in the universe, the last one you want to meet is Lobo. He’s the last known Czarnian – because he wiped out his entire species as a science project. And unless you’re Al or Darlene – the owner and waitress in his favorite diner – or a dolphin (the one animal he has a soft spot for) he’s not going to hesitate to wipe you out either.

He first appeared in a 1983 Omega Men comic and has been running from fight to fight ever since. Though you can be sure he’s only running so he doesn’t miss any of the really bloody bits.

Lobo doesn’t wear much which is funny for a man who spends most of his time in fights. Then again he race was nearly immortal before he wiped them out. Of course his clothes don’t make for the best armor. But they do make for a pretty easy cosplay.

A long black wig is a good starting point. From there you can either use a grey bodysuit and body paint or just body paint to get Lobo’s greyish-blue skin tone. Then add in some black leather pants and leather boots. You’ll also want a pair of knee protectors decorated with a red star you’ll have to paint on by hand. Finish up with some costume chains to use against your enemies and you’re ready to chase mayhem too!

Jay Garrick from The Flash

Jay Garrick from The Flash

Far out there in the multiverse exists Jay Garrick, a different incarnation of The Flash. On The CW’s The Flash show, John Wesley Shipp, an original Flash actor from the 1990s show, appears as both Barry Allen’s father and, later, the real Jay Garrick of his native timeline. (There was some confusion, initially, about who Jay Garrick really was. Long story.) Aside from the winged helmet, Jay Garrick’s Flash costume is extremely easy to source and assemble. A simple red crewneck shirt can be enhanced with the Flash’s signature lightning bolt printed over iron-on transfer paper.

Spectre from DC Comics


Spectre is a fairly iconic anti-hero in the DC comics. And part of what makes him so widely read is the fact that several people have carried the title of Spectre. Each puts their own unique twist on the character from his behavior to his costume. But a few things always remain the same: his ghostly pallor and the stark green of his clothing.

For this costume we’re going with the more traditional Spectre look. You can either use body paint to achieve his particular shade or you can wear a white body-suit as links for both options have been included. Even if you choose the body suit you may still want to use body paint for your face since over-the-face body suits can be uncomfortable very quickly.

You will then need a green hooded cloak, green shorts, green boot toppers, and green gloves that cuff at the wrist.

Hourman from DC Comics


Created by Bernard Bally and Ken Fitch, Hourman first appeared in 1940. He quickly became a beloved character in what would be known as the Golden Age of comics. Originally the mantle was worn by Rex Tyler who gained his powers for one hour at a time through the use of Miraclo.

Rick Tyler – the bearer of the Hourman name since 2011 – has a different look than the one pictured above. But who doesn’t love a good Golden Age costume?!

To start you’ll need a yellow hooded cape. Hourman’s includes a mask that covers his face but that’s a bit hard to find. You can closely recreate the look with a black face mask that blends with the shadows inside the hood of your cape. You’ll also want an hourglass pendant that you either glue to your cape or fashion into a necklace of some kind.

Under that you’ll want yellow compression pants over which you wear a black long-sleeves singlet. Wrap a red belt around your waist like the one pictured above (though you’ll have to trim the pictured belt quite a bit once you have it sized properly). Finish off the look with some red boots painted with black stripes and you’re ready to go!

Batman from Harley Quinn

Batman from Harley Quinn

There are so many Batman variations that it can be a little hard to keep up with. But this version (voiced by Diedrich Bader) is unique in both his snark and the way he handles Harley Quinn. He’d have to be. This Harley isn’t your usual Harley. And when the lines between good guy and bad guy get blurred, things are bound to get interesting!

Batman’s costume in the show is pretty straightforward. He has a black cowl and a black cape that he wears over a grey body suit with the bat insignia on the chest. Because the insignia is a little different from most you can buy pre-made, you’re better off painting it on with black fabric paint. A yellow belt, black gloves, and black boots round out the look. You can add some bat-themed weapons and you’ll be ready to scour the streets of Gotham for evildoers!


Green Lantern (Alan Scott)

Alan Scott was the first Green Lantern in the DC Universe and Comics. Unlike other Green Lanterns, his powers don’t come from the Guardians of the Universe, but from a magical entity called the Starheart. A founding member of the Justice Society of America, Alan was instrumental in numerous wartime battles. Use the yellow paint for the lines on the boots.

talia al ghul dc chara

Talia Al Ghul

Talia Al Ghul is a character from the DC Comics, often affiliated with the Batman and the Gotham universe. She has an on again-off again romantic fling with Batman, and together they have Damian Wayne, aka Robin. However, she is the daughter of the supervillian Ra’s Al Ghul, which makes her more of an anti-hero. Incredibly intelligent and charismatic, Talia is a formidable opponent. She even joins the League of Assassins. Her abilities include master martial arts skills and swordsmanship. After being killed and resurrected in the Lazarus Pit, she now ages slower than normal.

Alex Danvers from Supergirl

Alex Danvers from Supergirl

Alex Danvers (Chyler Leigh) is the loyal older sister of Kara Zor-El, also known as Supergirl. Alex could have easily felt stifled in the shadow of her superpowered sibling, but she’s embraced her unique accomplishments and really come into her own as a fellow superhero. In early episodes of Supergirl, Alex’s fitted black garb and holster belts evoked a Black Widow-esque vibe, but the character and costume have both evolved.

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