fairuza balk

Vicki Vallencourt

Vicki Vallencourt (Fairuza Balk) is the love interest of Bobby Boucher in the 1998 film, The Waterboy. She is a passionate chick who isn’t afraid to speak her mind and stands up for the people she cares about, in this case, Bobby.

Nancy Downs from The Craft

Nancy Downs (Fairuza Balk) is the troubled punk-rock goth teen in 1996’s The Craft. Arguably the favorite among the cult following of this film. Every outfit of hers is admired throughout the whole movie, most notably her Catholic school uniform and the outfit she fights Sarah in.
There are so many fashion pieces she reuses and recreates that it’s up to the admirer to decide what outfit of hers they want to resurrect. Aside from the clothes, her makeup is fairly simple: brown and grey eyeshadow, red or black nail polish, and purple lip-liner with red lipstick.

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