james mcavoy

Arthur Claus from Arthur Christmas

In Arthur Christmas (2011), Arthur Claus (voiced by James McAvoy) is the younger son of Santa Claus. When he discovers that due to a mishap, a girl failed to have her present delivered, he sets out on a mission with his grandfather Grandsanta, the elf Bryony Shelfley, and a team of reindeer to get the gift to her before Christmas Day sunrise. Arthur wears an ugly Christmas knit sweater paired with furry slippers with light-up googly eyes.

Charles Xavier aka Professor X

In X-Men: Days of Future Past, reformed playboy Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) is out to save mutant kind. The world’s most powerful telepath has a mission, and his mission has come from the future. He and his team will team up to stop Mystique’s plan before it ruins the future for all mutants.

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