mary elizabeth winstead

Michelle from 10 Cloverfield Lane

In 10 Cloverfield Lane, Michelle (played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is one of three people living in an underground bunker after the surface becomes uninhabitable.  Early in the film, Michelle’s vehicle is driven off the road by a pickup truck, after which Howard finds her and brings her below ground.  Michelle and Emmett become close and eventually decide to escape from Howard and his bunker when they uncover information about his past.  Michelle’s clothing consists primarily of jeans and a white tank top.  She also uses crutches for a portion of the film a result of injuries sustained during her car accident and has chipped red nail polish.

Huntress (Helena Bertinelli) from Birds of Prey

Helena Bertinelli (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is the incarnation of DC superheroine Huntress that appears in Birds of Prey (Harley Quinn‘s liberating follow-up to the Suicide Squad film). Like many of the female leads in this new film, Helena’s conquered some horrific demons, such as watching her entire family die at the hands of rival mobsters. Armed with her crossbow and wits, Helena seeks revenge for her family’s murder and aids the reinvented Harley in her fantabulous emancipation.

Mary Todd Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is an alternate history set during the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln’s wife, Mary Todd Lincoln (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is one of the only people who knows that Lincoln hunts vampires, and she encourages him to run for office and fight the vampires in the war.

Ramona Flowers

In Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, the mysterious Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) has seven evil exes and a lot going on with her attire. Though she’s not into sharing much about her life, Ramona is into layering her clothes and changing her hair color, a lot. Of course, if you’re into her look but not into dyeing your hair, not to mention your bathroom sink, you can always opt for a wig.

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