
Zed from Zardoz

In Zardoz, Zed (Sean Connery) lives in a post-apocalyptic Earth of the future, where humans are divided between poor Brutals and the immortal Eternals. Zed himself is a Brutal Exterminator, who kills other Brutals at the order of a huge flying stone head called Zardoz.

The Book of Eli

In The Book of Eli, Eli (Denzel Washington) is a nomad in the post-apocalyptic world. He’s directed by a voice to deliver his copy of a mysterious book across the country. But the journey won’t be easy with desolation and death every mile of the way.

Mad Max

In Mad Max: Fury Road, Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy) joins forces with Imperator Furiosa to flee from their captor, cult leader Immortan Joe. Joe’s army gives chase, and Max must make the most of his scarce resources to escape through the treacherous wastelands.

Joel from The Last of Us

In The Last of Us, Joel is a violent and ruthless smuggler hired to escort 14-year-old Ellie out of the safe quarantine zone and across the danger-filled country. The things we do for a paycheck, eh?

Ellie from The Last of Us

In the Playstation 3 game The Last of Us, a 20-year pandemic has decimated civilization, leaving infected humans and survivors to kill each other for food and weapons. 14-year-old Ellie is prepared to escape the quarantine zone and cross the post-apocalyptic landscape – after all, she’s brought an empty backpack!

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