ralph macchio

Johnny Cade from The Outsiders

Johnny Cade (played by Ralph Macchio) is a member of the greaser gang at the heart of The Outsiders.  Johnny is close with Ponyboy, the main character of the film and the narrator of the book upon which it is based.  They are the two youngest members of the gang.  Johnny has a slight build and dark hair, which he styles to fall over one side of his face.  Johnny has a scar on his left cheek from an altercation with the Socs.  To create your costume, you’ll need blue jeans, black and white sneakers, and a black wig.  Use a denim jacket to complete the look.  To replicate Johnny’s scar, you can use a wax scar kit and some foundation that matches your skin tone.  Lastly, Johnny begins carrying a switchblade after he’s attacked by the Socs, and a trick knife can play the part for you.

The Karate Kid

In The Karate Kid, Daniel (Ralph Macchio) learns how to defend himself from bully, Johnny Lawrence, after he is taken under Mr. Miyagi’s wing. Daniel’s a slow learner however, and doesn’t understand that he can’t master moves like The Crane until he first masters skills like wax on and wax off.

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