TF2 Soldier
In Team Fortress 2, Soldier is a fanatical, jingoistic American war machine hellbent on taking down the bad guys. Armed with a rocket launcher and shotty, what he lacks for in brain cells, Soldier makes up for with star spangled guts.
Buy Items
- Green Army Soldier Helmet
- Team Fortress 2 Red Soldier Costume with Coat with Arm Patch, Brown Pants, Black Leather Girdle and Strap, Two Black Leather Pouches
- Black Combat Boots
- Olive Green Canvas Combat Field Leggings
- Field Shovel with Wood Handle
- TF2 Pump Shotgun
- Toy Gray Pineapple Hand Grenades with Sound Effects
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Looking for a Team Fortress 2Soldier Costume for October 27th delivery
does anyone know other red coats to use for soldier?