The Corinthian from The Sandman Costume

The Corinthian from The Sandman

The Corinthian (played by Boyd Holbrook) is a character from Neil Gaiman's graphic novel The Sandman.  The Corinthian is a nightmare created by Dream, who makes his way into the waking world where he indulges in murder and influences others to give in to their darker tendencies.  In the Netflix adaptation, the Corinthian wears a long light grey trench coat and round-lens sunglasses to hide his "eyes," which unlike humans are actually rows of teeth.  He dresses well otherwise, so lean into your preppier side when recreating his look for a costume.  He also favors a dagger as a weapon when not using his supernatural powers.

The Corinthian from The Sandman Costume 12345

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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