The Deathslinger from Dead by Daylight Costume
Caleb Quinn was an Irish-American engineer turned prisoner after he nearly killed his boss for stealing his inventions and selling them to other companies for a profit. Caleb struck a deal with the prison warden to fill the Hellshire Penitentiary, he fashioned a speargun that could capture convicts alive. His macabre device earned him the nickname the Deathslinger, and he now uses it to spear and sacrifice survivors to the Entity of Dead by Daylight. To recreate the Deathslinger's quintessentially Western look, a simple cowboy costume will suffice. However, some additional creativity may be required to make his signature spear gun weapon by attaching a prop spear to a prop rifle with a vintage look. Liquid latex can be used to create the wound on his cheek, and also to help tear and bloody his knuckles.
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