The Feelers DIY Costume Guide

The Feelers

On The Strain, ancient race of vampires, strigoi, have taken over New York City. During the city's evacuation, the strigoi kidnap blind children on their way out of the city and turn them into "Feelers." The Feelers are blind and animalistic, enhanced with extra-sensory perception and are used to track Dr. Goodweather and the team. They still wear their school uniforms, though most of their clothing has become dirty and tattered. Most of the children are female, but swapping the skirt, stockings, and shoes can be easily swapped for pants and men's dress shoes. Otherwise, their look is virtually identical.
Though this makeup looks complicated, it can be easily achieved with a bald cap, a professional color wheel, hair pieces, scarring fluid, pale blue or white contact lenses, and a little experimentation.

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About the Author


Geek girl with a love of film, comic books, history, retro fashion, and her proverbial zoo of dogs, horses, and snakes.

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One Comment

  1. nice =) maybe vaun next or palmer?

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