The Plague from Dead by Daylight DIY Costume Guide

The Plague from Dead by Daylight

Adiris was a young priestess at the Temple of Purgation. When a plague spread across the land and the Holy Men each fell ill, it fell to her to don the robes of her goddess and perform the rites for the disease-stricken masses. Eventually, she fell ill as well, and when she could no longer hide the infection behind crowns and incense censers, she exiled herself and prayed to god for salvation. The Entity of Dead by Daylight answered her prayers and now she serves it as a killer known as the Plague, sacrificing survivors to appease its endless appetite. The Plague is a great costume for someone who wants to take some time and get creative with their use of prosthetics, and the juxtaposition of her beautiful clothing with her disease-ridden body will certainly make for a big visual impact.

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