The Queen of Hearts from Alice’s Warped Wonderland/Alice in Distortionworld DIY Costume Guide
The Queen of Hearts is the major antagonist in the game Alice in Distortionworld/Alice's Warped Wonderland, created by Nightmare Project/Studio.
She appears very briefly during the middle chapters of the game, where we see her in her castle full of beheaded corpses. She's an extreme take on the usual Queen of Hearts character, and carries around an enormous bloodied scythe, determined to come after 'Alice' with it.
In this iteration, she has very long blonde hair, making her an interesting mirror of Alice's typical design, and wears a long multi-toned pink dress with elaborate white lace detailings all around it. Her eyes are usually in shadow, though she does occasionally wear a white, decorated mask over the upper half of her face.
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