Old Joseph Joestar

Old Joseph Joestar is one of the main characters of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. He is the grandfather of protagonist Jotaro Kujo and an aged version of Joseph from Part 2: Battle Tendency. He joins Jotaro and co. on the quest to kill DIO and save his daughter, using his Stand Hermit Purple to help his allies in combat and support. Polaroid camera, Iggy plush, and purple pipe cleaners for Hermit Purple optional

DIO From Stardust Crusaders

Considered one of the most iconic (and quotable) villains of modern times, DIO is a ruthless vampire and is the main villain of the whole JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series. This guide is based on his appearance in Part 3, Stardust Crusaders. A flamboyant but chiseled beast, DIO starts the series as an abused British brat. However, after securing the Stone Mask, he gains immortality as a vampire. DIO continues to torment the Joestar family nearly a century later, and his actions affect the whole franchise. Be sure to cut DIO’s jacket to proper size (about ribcage level) and cut a whole for his bulge in his pants. Red Cape optional. Use the green fabric to make DIO’s two hanging belts as well as the hearts on his headband, belt, and knees. Don’t forget the three dots on DIO’s left earlobe,

Robert E.O. Speedwagon

Robert Edward O. Speedwagon is one of the major allies in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 1: Phantom Blood and Part 2: Battle Tendency. He starts the series as a street urchin but quickly becomes Jonathan Joestar’s closest friend. Eventually he forms the Speedwagon Foundation, which assists the Joestar family even after his death from Part 2 to Part 6. Initially a comic relief character, he grows into arguably the most loyal and important side character in the whole franchise. He even plays a key role in the video game spin off JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven and is playable in it. Because of all this, he is universally beloved in the fandom and he makes for an easy beginner JoJo cosplay. Could go nicely with a Young Jonathan Joestar cosplay

For hats you can choose his default bowler hat (with 3 red feathers on the left side) from the first half of Part 1 or the Zeppeli hat from the second half. To make Zeppeli hat, combine checker fabric with stovepipe hat.
Sledge hammer optional.

Young Jonathan Joestar

Young Jonathan Joestar is the child version of the first protagonist of the long running action manga/anime series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, before becoming Adult Jonathon Joestar. Danny plush optional, but keep him away from any bitter blonde stepbrothers!

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