Topsy Turvy from Mary Poppins Returns Costume

Topsy Turvy from Mary Poppins Returns

Topsy Turvy is a character from the musical film, Mary Poppins Returns, and is played by Meryl Streep. Her costume is one that is eclectic and quirky, matching her personality. There are many pieces to her costume but when broken down, isn’t all that difficult to put together, and is definitely worth the crafting.

Starting with the base, wear a satin green v-neck tank top tucked into a black maxi skirt. For shoes, give the same feel of the mismatch boots by wearing green suede heels and pink and black striped socks. For her robe, take a black and multicolored kimono/ robe, and either cut off part of it at the hem to sew the trim or leave it and sew it on top. The trim is a 12+ long green fringe. You can also cover the seam with a ribbon to make it a cleaner transition. For her accessories, wear different colored chunky bangle bracelets, a necklace made of colored pencils, and champagne tassel earrings. Wear a metallic scarf or knotted turban on your head and stick two paint fan brushes in an x formation through the front knot. To create the clock belt, start with a green waist belt as the base. Make a clock by cutting out the base on Bristol board, cover with green construction paper, and put a smaller white piece over that. Here you can sketch out a clock or print out one and glue it. On the back, attach magnets with glue and to the belt. This makes for a much lighter belt than using a real clock. Finally, make your hair similar to hers or wear a wig, and for makeup, wear a yellow eyeshadow, a graphic black eyeliner, and a red lip.

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About the Author

Kennedy Lindberg

Kennedy is a graduate from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Costume Design for Film & TV.

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