Steve Smith from American Dad
In American Dad, Steven Anita Smith (voiced by Scott Grimes) is the son of Francine and Stan Smith. Steve has an older sister Hayley. They reside at Langley Falls, Virginia. The family also includes a fish named Klaus and an alien named Roger.
Elsie May Hughes
Elsie May Hughes (Phyllis Logan) is the head housekeeper at Downton Abbey who manages the entire servant branch. She is stern and ethical, never compromising her integrity or taking sides.
Sneed and Chuck
Sneed and Chuck are names given by fans to two farmers who appear in the Simpsons episode E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt). They appear outside the store “Sneed’s Feed and Seed, Formerly Chuck’s” with the name becoming one of the biggest memes in the Simpsons community due to how clever and suggestive the name is. This makes a great costume for best friend Simpsons fans.
Uncle Grandpa
Uncle Grandpa is everyone in the world’s magic uncle and grandpa. He’s usually found traveling the world with his friends, helping people solve their problems. He is a silly person who likes to eat inedible objects and is accompanied by a red talking fanny pack named Belly Bag.
Lady Legasus
The alter-ego of superhero Raven from “Teen Titans Go!”, Raven’s usual outfit is replaced with a saffron-colored sleeveless leotard with matching cuffs and yellow booties. Her leotard has the logo of a golden leg in a darker-colored circle on the chest area. You could wear it under a regular Raven costume for extra fun!
Robin (Burt Ward)
Robin was Batman’s trusty comrade, best friend, and sidekick portrayed by Burt Ward in the Batman 1960s series, it’s film and two animated features; Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders and Batman vs. Two-Face. Robin is strong willed, courageous and shows determination. He is ready to drop everything to help Batman fight crime. Best known for his constant “Holy” catch phrases such as “Holy Jack-In-The-Box” and “Holy Long John Silver”. He lived at Wayne Manor with Bruce Wayne, Alfred (Bruce’s butler) and Aunt Harriet Cooper. As Dick Grayson, he was a student and head of the council at Woodrow Roosevelt High School.
Old Gregg from The Mighty Boosh
In The Mighty Boosh, Old Gregg (Noel Fielding) is a merman who gets accidentally pulled out of the water. He has green skin, webbed hands, and seaweed hair, but most notably, a “mangina” that emits a strong beam of light.
Dr. James Mantleray from Maniac
In Maniac, Dr. James Mantleray (Justin Theroux) is a scientist working on the Neberdine Pharmaceutical Biotech (NPB) experiment. After the lead scientist of the project dies, Dr. Mantleray — who created the ULP drugs used in the experiment — his brought back to head the project. He’s intelligent and well-meaning, but not without his own flaws, least of which his poor-fitting toupee.
Bruce Marino from Maniac
In Maniac, Bruce Marino (Jonah Hill) is an identity that Owen Milgram takes on in an A-pill inducted dream. With “wife” Linda, he schemes to rescue a ring-tailed lemur from a thuggish fur shop owner while New York Fish and Wildlife are hot on their tails.
Dr. Azumi Fujita from Maniac
In Maniac, Dr. Azumi Fujita (Sonoya Mizuno) is a no-nonsense scientist who runs the NPB experiment alongside Dr. Mantleray. She’s under immense pressure to report positive results from the experiment, which expresses itself in her hunched posture and chain-smoking habit.