Jack Harkness

Time agent, conman, companion – Jack Harkness has been all of that and more over the course of his long, strange life. If he’s not off adventuring with the Doctor, this omnisexual, immortal flirt can be found running the Torchwood Institute on Earth, defending the planet when the Doctor can’t.

Rose Tyler

Rose started out as a normal nineteen-year-old shopgirl until the Doctor blew up her shop (there were Autons inside at the time – don’t ask). But given the choice between an ordinary life and adventure through all of time and space, Rose chose the latter. Hey, who wouldn’t?

The 9th Doctor

What can you say about the Doctor that hasn’t already been said over his show’s fifty-year history? He’s nine hundred years old, he’s an alien and he travels through time and space in a 1963 blue police call box. Also, sometimes he looks like Christopher Eccleston and that’s pretty fantastic.

Peggy Bundy

Peggy is the matriarch of the dysfunctional Bundy family on Married with Children. Her likes include bonbons, talk shows and shopping. Her dislikes include taking care of her children, cooking, cleaning, and Al.

Jessica Day from New Girl

Jess Day is a quirky school teacher who moves into a loft with three men when her boyfriend cheats on her. Shenanigans ensue. Jess is well known for her eccentric/feminine/vintage style and gigantic eyeballs. Who’s that girl? It’s Jess!

GOB Bluth

In Arrested Development, GOB is a longsuffering magician that can never seem to master his “illusions.” His doves die, his sleeves squirt lighter fluid, and his escape acts land him in the hospital. He likes his baggy magician’s garb to blow in the breeze as he dances across the stage to the synth strains of Europe’s “The Final Countdown.”

Sherlock Holmes (BBC)

BBC’s Sherlock transports the eponymous detective from his Victorian-era home to the 21st century. While that may mean he’s solving crime with the assistance of modern technology and sending messages via text instead of telegram, his vast intelligence, deductive reasoning and gentleman’s dress sense all remain intact.

Dexter Morgan

A blood splatter analyst by day and a serial killer by night, Dexter Morgan walks the line between super villain and superhero. Whether you see his lifestyle choice as good or evil, you can’t deny he looks good doing it.

Emma Swan

In Once Upon a Time, Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) is a hard-boiled bail bondsperson who learns that everyone in the town is a fairy tale character under a memory curse…including Snow White and Prince Charming, Emma’s biological parents. She must put aside her logic and practicality and take a leap of faith to help her son Henry break the curse and restore the memories of the people of Storybrooke.

Richard Simmons

Richard Simmons is best known for his aerobic video series “Sweatin’ to the Oldies”. It’s hard to tell what’s more eccentric, his personality or his choice of workout gear.

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