Warden Wrath from The Owl House DIY Costume Guide
Warden Wrath (voiced by Robert Craig Smith) is the head warden of the Conformitorium. As the name implies it is where "unruly" citizens go so that they may learn to conform to the way Warden Wrath thinks things ought to be. He is not someone you want to cross, after all. He can shapeshift and breathe fire, as well as do tremendous damage with his superior strength.
To get his fearsome look you need foundational garments of black scrub pants tucked into heeled boots and a tight-fitting undershirt with a black hood. Over that goes a white "mad scientist" coat belted around the waist with a black leather belt. Then you put in your plague mask and pull the hood up and you're good to go!
You can take things a step further by getting long grey gloves to cover your hands and arms, the only exposed skin Warden Wrath has. Grey body paint can also help you get the same effect!
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