Xavier Riddle from Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum Costume

Xavier Riddle from Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

Xavier Riddle (voiced by Aidan Vissers) is the main character on the PBS Kids show Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum.  He is the older brother of Yadina and a friend of Brad Metzler.  Xavier is an energetic kid who loves to learn and meet historical figures by traveling back in time.  He has many interests, and particularly loves art and basketball.

To make Xavier's unique hoodie, you can start with a red pullover and then add details.  The antennae can be made by gluing pipe cleaners and yellow pom poms together, and you can paint the "X" on with black fabric markers.  Red behind-the-head ear muffs will evoke the helmet-like look of Xavier's sweatshirt.

Xavier Riddle from Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum Costume 12345678

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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