Zed Necrodopolis from Z-O-M-B-I-E-S Costume
Zed Necrodopolis (played by Milo Manheim) is a zombie and captain of the Seabrook High football team in the Disney movie series Z-O-M-B-I-E-S. Zed is loyal and upbeat, and believes in standing up for what is right. He is also the boyfriend of Addison Wells. Zed has pale skin and green hair, and often dresses in punk-inspired clothing when he's not wearing the bright pink football uniform of his team. Because finding an exact replica of the Seabrook High jersey can be tough, you can opt to recreate his football uniform with green fabric paint on a bright pink t-shirt. If you'd rather dress in Zed's non-uniform clothes, focus on distressed pieces and darker colors. You can even layer burgundy leggings under ripped jeans or rip one sleeve of a brown pullover so it's shorter than the other.
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