Scathach from American Horror Story: Roanoke Costume

Scathach from American Horror Story: Roanoke

Scathach (Lady Gaga) is an immortal Druid witch with immense powers and a tragic past haunting her homeland of Roanoke on the TV show American Horror Story: Roanoke. She is the origin of The Butcher's power and craves blood, chaos and death. She also craves the company of a man, and falls in love with Matt Miller when he moves into the haunted Roanoke house. She wears Druidic clothing with a skull crown and sacrificial blade at her waist.

Scathach from American Horror Story: Roanoke Costume 1234567

About the Author


A bit eccentric, a lot nerdy. Grew up on Star Trek, Stargate and the X-Files, and still love them all. A regular cosplayer and writer with a day-job drawing fashion illustrations.

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