SCP-049 from SCP – Containment Breach Costume
SCP-049 is one of the terrifying creatures catalogued by the SCP Foundation. The SCP Foundation started as a form of online collaborative storytelling and has since morphed into a video game franchise among other things. SCP-049 appears in the game SCP - Containment Breach. It is humanoid and appears dressed as a surgeon from the European medieval era. Unfortunately this is not a doctor that heals. Any human it touches becomes a reanimated corpse that is bound to do the will of SCP-049.
Although SCP-049 is itself largely unknowable - since getting too close can turn you into an undead puppet - dressing up as SCP-049 is relatively easy. All you need is a black hooded cloak or robe, a grey plague doctor mask, black boots, and black gloves. It helps if you make the sleeves of the robe a bit tattered and if you wear black clothing underneath so it seems as if there is nothing under the robe but darkness and void.
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