
Princess Mercury from Sailor Moon

Mercury wears her hair in the same way as she does in her civilian and Sailor wear, but instead of her tiara, she has the symbol for Mercury on her forehead, in blue.

She wears a blue sleeveless v-neck dress with golden ring detailing on the straps, and a little capelet coming off of the back. Instead of her usual choker, she wears a long blue ribbon around her neck, and has a blue teardrop necklace worn just under her collarbones.

Princess Serenity from Sailor Moon

Usagi is seen in the Princess Serenity in various points of the story, and in a fair amount of the manga art, she is seen with white hair, instead of her usual blonde, though her eyes remain the same blue.

For this outfit, she has a golden moon on her forehead instead of her usual Sailor Moon tiara, pearl stud earrings with a matching bracelet and hair pins, and a long, high waisted white dress, with intricate gold and pearl details, and swirled sleeves.

Sharon Rainsworth from Pandora Hearts

Sharon (voiced by Kana Hanazawa) is one of the secondary main characters in the anime/manga series Pandora Hearts.

She is first introduced at Oz’s coming of age ceremony, and ends up being a consistent character throughout the rest of the story. She is from the Rainsworth dukedom, and after the timeskip she is shown to have joined Pandora and is contracted to the chain Equus, which prevents her from outwardly aging.

Sharon has almost creamsicle orange colored hair, worn long and tied up in the back with a large red ribbon bow, and soft pinkish-red eyes. She has a variety of outfits throughout the series, though we often see her in this full-bodied purple dress, with large and intricate ruffles and bow details scattered across. The only shot I could find of her shoes was from the manga, but they’re a pinkish-purple heel, with little pink bows lining down the top.

Medusa Gorgon from Soul Eater

Medusa (voiced in Japanese by Hōko Kuwashima and in English by Luci Christian) is one of the main antagonists in the anime/manga Soul Eater.

She is Crona’s estranged mother, and is a very uncaring and manipulative person. Medusa is a witch, and specializes in snake-based magic. For a short while, she posed as the DWMA’s school doctor in order to gather information about reviving the Kishin.

Medusa has golden, snake-like eyes, and blonde hair in a similar cut to Crona’s, though hers is worn much lower on the side pieces, which follow down into a braid worn over her chest. Her non-disguise outfit is a black one piece jumpsuit, with no sleeves, and short pants, and a hoodie with snake motifs on it. She also has snake ‘tattoos’ on her arms, which can be used in her magic, while fighting. Over the snakes, she wears a silver bangle bracelet, and her nails are done in a black and yellow arrow pattern.

Bruno Bucciarati

Bruno Bucciarati is a main character in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind. He is a member of the Italian mob, Passione, and commands his own squad of individuals, including the protagonist, Giorno Giovanna. Bruno gives Giorno the guidance needed to ascend the ranks of the gang. His Stand is Sticky Fingers, which has the ability to create zippers on any surface it touches.

Elliot March from Heart no Kuni no Alice

Elliot (voiced by Tsuguo Mogami) is the March Hare character in the Heart no Kuni no Alice/Alice in the Country of Hearts dating game series/movie.

He is Blood’s right hand man in the Mafia in Wonderland, and has a lot of temper issues. He also doesn’t like being referred to as a rabbit, despite being the March Hare equivalent of the cast.

Elliot has blueish purple eyes, deep goldenrod orange wavy hair (wig may need to be cut and styled), and tan rabbit ears. His outfit is very layered, with a white undershirt, teal-green spiderwebbed shirt on top, a black jacket with purple accents, black pants, several tan belts crisscrossing everything, wheat stalks poking out of various points of his purple scarf, and golden tan knee-high lace up boots.

Toge Inumaki from Jujutsu Kaisen

Toge (voiced in Japanese by Koki Uchiyama and in English by Xander Mobus) is one of the secondary main characters in the anime/manga Jujutsu Kaisen.

He is one of the second-year students at Jujutsu High, along with Yuta, Maki, and Panda, as well as being a semi-grade 1 sorcerer. He’s shifted his way of speaking into using food terms, as his abilities are tied into using his voice as a weapon, and it’s the only way he can guarantee no one gets unnecessarily hurt.

Toge has greyish-blonde hair, worn in a short cropped style, and light lavender eyes. When we do see his mouth, you can see the marks indicating the cursed speech on the sides. He wears a high-collard version of the school’s uniform shirt in dark blue, with an openable front piece that let’s him use his speech ability. He wears a pair of capris in the same matching color, long black socks, and white ankle boots with gold detailing on the sole.

Shuichi Shindo from Gravitation

Shuichi (voiced in Japanese by Tomakazu Seki and in English by Rich McNanna) is the main character in the anime/manga series Gravitation.

He is the lead singer of the band he and his friend Hiro started when they were in High School, Bad Luck. He tends to be very prone to extreme bursts of emotions, especially when it comes to his career, and his tumultuous relationship with Eiri Yuki.

Shuichi (in the anime) is portrayed with fluffy, deep pink hair, and dark purple eyes. Throughout the series, he wears several outfits, but for this I’ve chosen a particular favorite of mine. He wears an orange hoodie with white drawstrings, capped with black spring caps, light green cargo shorts with suspenders worn loosely over them, white crew socks, and red shoes. (optional white t-shirt worn under the hoodie)

Princess Chibiusa from Sailor Moon

For her Princes dress, Chibiusa (Chibimoon) wears her hair styled up in the same way as she does for the rest of her outfits, but has added on pearl hairpins worn in triple on either side of her bangs, and has a vibrant pink moon on her forehead, mirroring her mother’s.

Her princess dress is a very voluminous and ruffled light pink dress with a high waist trimmed by pearls, a scalloped bodice, and short, ruffled, sleeves. Like the other scouts, she also wears a teardrop necklace, with hers being a pink stone.

Franken Stein from Soul Eater

Stein (voiced in Japanese by Yaya Uchida and in English by Chuck Huber) is one of the main characters in the anime/manga Soul Eater.

A mad scientist/doctor turned teacher, Stein is one of the more concerning characters in Soul Eater (which honestly says a lot), and is the former meister that worked with Maka’s dad, Spirit.

Stein has shaggy light grey hair, and darker-shaded golden eyes (it’s a tricky color to match, I’m sorry), that he wears glasses over. In his head in a large clicking screw, and he has large stitches on his body (in reference to his name). He wears a multi-toned grey shirt held together with large stitches, black pants, a stitched together white labcoat, and greyish-white shoes with similar detailing.

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