Posts by Sarah

Eileen Leahy from Supernatural

Eileen Leahy (played by Shoshannah Stern) is a hunter on the CW show Supernatural.  As a child, she lost her hearing to the same Banshee that killed her parents, which spurred her to become a hunter.  Eileen is killed by a hellhound, but Sam is able to resurrect her with one of Rowena‘s spells in season 15.  Eileen is tough and confident, with a caring nature.

D.W. Read from Arthur

Dora Winifred, better known by the abbreviation “D.W.” is Arthur‘s younger sister on the PBS show Arthur, based on the books by Marc Brown. D.W. is in preschool, and enjoys watching Mary Moo Cow and listening to Crazy Bus, which irritates her older brother. D.W.’s typical outfit consists of a pink sleeveless dress over a long sleeved white shirt.

charlotte hale from westworld

Charlotte Hale from HBO’s Westworld

Charlotte Hale (played by Tessa Thompson) is a ruthless member of the Delos Board of Directors and attempts to overthrow Robert Ford by proving that his hosts have become unstable. Charlotte works closely with Bernard and trusts him in the aftermath of the gala until she discovers that he himself is a host, at which point she turns on him in pursuit of her ultimate goals.  Charlotte dresses well and can often be seen adjusting her clothing or hair to maintain her carefully manicured appearance.  Following the events of the gala, she dresses down to fit into Westworld and avoid detection by Dolores and her followers.

ami onuki from hi hi puffy amiyumi

Ami Onuki from Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi

In the anime Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, Ami Onuki (voiced by Janice Kawaye) is the brighter and more optimistic half of pop duo Puffy AmiYumi, along with Yumi Yoshimura. A lover of all things girly including rainbows, bunnies, and sparkles, Ami is also a talented drummer. To get the details right, you could use pink iron on patches to create the colorblock effect of Ami’s yellow dress, and don’t forget to style your wig with her signature space buns.

abby hatcher

Abby Hatcher from Nickelodeon’s Abby Hatcher

On the Nickelodeon show Abby Hatcher, Abby (voiced by Macy Drouin) is a precocious 7-year-old girl. She uses her Fuzzly Spotter to keep track of the Fuzzlies in her family’s hotel and help them when the need it. Her best friend is Bozzly, a rabbit Fuzzly who can make himself invisible and fly. Abby’s outfit consists of a black t-shirt with a pink heart, pink skirt, and lots of orange and purple details. If you don’t have a real Fuzzly Spotter, a purple or orange wristwatch would stand in pretty well.

jody mills from supernatural

Jody Mills from Supernatural

Jody Mills (played by Kim Rhodes) is an important character on Supernatural.  Jody is originally introduced in season 5 as the Sheriff of Sioux Falls, South Dakota when her town is overtaken by reanimated loved ones, including her son.  Over time, Jody becomes an accomplished hunter and even takes in Claire and Alex.  When not in her tan sheriff’s uniform, Jody tends to wear jeans and plaid shirts layered against the unruly Sioux Falls weather.

dick roman from supernatural

Dick Roman from Supernatural

Dick Roman (played by James Patrick Stuart) was a billionaire CEO who was killed, eaten, and then impersonated by the leader of the deadly Leviathans who are released from purgatory by Castiel.  Leviathan Dick keeps the original man’s arm in a cooler, complete with his expensive two-tone gold watch.  Dick is eventually killed by Dean, though not until after he shoots Bobby Singer, leading to Bobby’s death.  Dick wears expensive suits, often with complimentary ties and pocket squares, as is expected for a man of his socioeconomic status.

mary winchester from supernatural

Mary Winchester from Supernatural

Mary Winchester (played by Samantha Smith) is the mother of Sam and Dean on the CW’s Supernatural.  In the earliest seasons of the show, Mary is shown mostly in flashbacks, as she was murdered by the Yellow Eyed Demon when Sam was a baby.  However, she is later resurrected by The Darkness as a favor for Dean.  When she was originally killed, Mary wore a white nightgown.  As a hunter, she opts for sensible clothing that moves well and a sharp machete or other appropriate weapon.

gortons fisherman

Gorton’s Fisherman

You can trust this Gorton’s Fisherman costume will be a hit! A masculine silver fox, the Gorton’s Fisherman is ruggedly handsome and wears bright yellow gear to keep him dry and a warm navy blue sweater.

john moore from the alienist

John Moore from The Alienist

John Moore (portrayed by Luke Evans) is a newspaper illustrator and friend of Dr. Laszlo Kreizler on TNT’s The Alienist.  John can be melancholy and prone to self-destructive behavior as the result of a broken engagement and the death of his younger brother many years before.  John uses his skills as an illustrator to create crime scene documentation that prove helpful to Dr. Kreizler and Sara Howard as they continue their investigations.  John comes from a wealthy family and dresses the part well.  If you are recreating his look, don’t be afraid of mixing patterns and colors in traditional Victorian silhouettes.

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