Posts by Tom


In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Rey (Daisy Ridley) is a human scavenger on the trade planet of Jakku. When she encounters the droid BB-8, it kicks off an adventure to the far reaches of space. Make her costume from scratch with this advanced Rey costume tutorial and complete your look with this Rey makeup tutorial.


In the Marvel Comics, Matt Murdock is Daredevil, a blind lawyer turned superhero. After he initially makes do with a homemade black suit, he upgrades to this red costume that we’re all much more familiar with.

Dennis Nedry

In Jurassic Park, Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight) is a computer programmer hired by InGen. Due to his financial issues, he decides to smuggle dinosaur embryos off the island, but meets his demise to a Dilophosaurus.

Cosmic Entity Death

In the Marvel Universe, the cosmic entity Death embodies decay and destruction. The most familiar manifestation is as Mistress Death, a young woman in a dark hooded robe. Thanos falls madly in love with her and woos her by collecting as many souls as possible through the extinction of countless planets and species.

The Book of Eli

In The Book of Eli, Eli (Denzel Washington) is a nomad in the post-apocalyptic world. He’s directed by a voice to deliver his copy of a mysterious book across the country. But the journey won’t be easy with desolation and death every mile of the way.

Leah of Hel

In the Marvel comics, Leah of Hel is the loyal Asgardian handmaiden of Hela, daughter of Loki. Despite Leah’s disdain for the trickster god, he takes a liking to her and is committed to being her BFF. For this costume, you can remove the black lace and replace it with yellow lining for the most authentic look.

Zebediah Killgrave

In Jessica Jones, Killgrave or Kilgrave (David Tennant) is the Purple Man, nemesis to Jessica Jones and the Daredevil. Born Kevin Thompson, his superpower allows him to verbally control nearly all those around him, which makes him one of the toughest villains to take down.

Sarah Connor

In the Terminator series, Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) is a young woman who finds herself pursued by a relentless Terminator android sent from the future. Over the course of the movies, she develops from a damsel in distress to a hardened bad-ass who’s prepared to take on all comers.

Motivational Shia LaBeouf

In this video, Shia LaBeouf gives an impassioned but general purpose motivational speech where he drops wisdom bombs like “yesterday, you said tomorrow”. You’ve been thinking about dressing up as him, so what are you waiting for? JUST DO IT.


In Daredevil, Wilson Fisk (Vincent D’Onofrio) is the Kingpin, one of the most feared and ruthless crime lords in New York City, which pits him as the nemesis of Daredevil and Spider-Man. Don’t let his heavyset appearance fool you — that’s all muscle.

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