Posts by Tom


Tintin is a young reporter who’s drawn to dangerous adventures but always manages to make it through with a combination of bravery, quick thinking, and good luck. He doesn’t have much of a family, but his faithful dog Snowy and the friends he meets along the way are more than enough for him.

Agent 47

Agent 47 stars in Hitman, the popular game series and less successful movie (Timothy Olyphant). Kidnapped by the Organization and trained from childhood as an assassin, he finds himself ensnared in a conspiracy involving both Interpol and the Russian military.

George R. R. Martin

George R. R. Martin, affectionately known as GRRM, is a fantasy author best known for A Song of Fire and Ice, a series adapted to the popular HBO show Game of Thrones. He’s the son of a longshoreman and his house sigil is the turtle, the only pet allowed by the housing projects in which he grew up.

Melisandre of Asshai

In Game of Thrones, Melisandre of Asshai (Carice van Houten) is a mysterious priestess who becomes the trusted advisor to Stannis Baratheon. When Stannis’s younger brother Renly rebels against him, Melisandre births a killer shadow monster baby to take him out.

Marshall Lee

In Adventure Time, Marshall Lee the Vampire King is the gender-swapped version of Marceline. Like most vampires, he can turn into a bat and is hurt by the sun. Besides drinking blood, he likes to suck the pink filling from cream puffs.

April O’Neil

Meet April O’Neil, a passionate and headstrong reporter for Channel 6 News who’s a good friend to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. For unknown reasons, she wears a yellow jumpsuit on the job and remains friends with the insufferable Irma.

Tyler Durden

Played by Brad Pitt in Fight Club, Tyler Durden is a soap salesman who befriends Edward Norton on a business trip. He’s a complete break from the meek Norton: smoking, having flings, and of course, starting fights.

Olive Hoover from Little Miss Sunshine

Abigail Breslin plays Olive Hoover, a little girl with dreams of becoming the next Little Miss Sunshine. With the other contestants being so heavily made up, spray tanned, and pageant trained, she seems out of her league. But when she gets on stage, Olive puts on a show to remember.

Dwayne Hoover

Dwayne Hoover is an angsty teenager who hates all men except for Friedrich Nietzsche. He takes a vow of silence, communicating only by notepad, until he can fulfill his dream of joining the Air Force.

Ernie McCracken

In Kingpin, Bill Murray plays Ernie “Big Ern” McCracken, a professional bowler who’ll backstab anyone to get ahead including bowling prodigy Roy Munson. That rose bowling ball is his gravy train with biscuit wheels.

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