Bill Potts DIY Costume Guide

Bill Potts

A companion of the 12th Doctor on the BBC TV series Doctor Who, Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie) begins as a student of the Doctor before learning his time-traveling secret. After she agrees to travel with him and his other companion Nardole, she sets out on a series of adventures. Fans love her as a smart, lovable, down-to-earth, sassy woman and the first lesbian portrayed on the show.

Bill Potts Costume 1234567

About the Author


A bit eccentric, a lot nerdy. Grew up on Star Trek, Stargate and the X-Files, and still love them all. A regular cosplayer and writer with a day-job drawing fashion illustrations.

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  1. As much as I LOVE Doctor Who and love this very helpful website. Did you have put include the afro wig? As a black nerd girl, I love cosplay and have no qualms with non-black fans dressing up at Bill Potts. I do have a problem with the costume afro wig in general. Many times its been use to make a mockery of black culture and blackness. I know that’s not the case in this instance but I hope it gives you context to understand my disdain for the costume afro wig. It’s totally possible to do a convincing Bill Potts cosplay without that offensive wig.

    • Kaylah, thanks for your comments. We mean no disrespect with including the afro wig, only love for the character and her awesome hair. But we understand your point how these kind of props have often been used for racist caricatures and will keep approaching our guides with sensitivity on that.

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