
Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart, as the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic, was a pioneer in both senses of the word. Tragically, she disappeared during her 1937 attempt to circle the globe, and mysteries about what happened linger to this day.

Little Orphan Annie

Little Orphan Annie first started as a comic strip then expanded to Broadway and the movie screen. Annie is a plucky orphan who’s known for her mop of red curly hair and catchphrases like “leapin’ lizards!”. Together with her dog Sandy, she eventually becomes part of “Daddy” Warbucks’ family.

Sookie Stackhouse

In True Blood, Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin) is a telepathic waitress who lives in Bon Temps, Louisiana, a town that is dealing with the revelation that vampires have been living amongst them. She becomes entangled in the vampire world after she saves a vampire, Bill Compton, from humans who have become addicted to vampire blood.

Mario Batali

Mario Batali is an American chef who specializes in Italian cuisine. He’s known for wearing his bright orange Crocs with everything. With that fashion sense, we’ll ask that he just stick to cooking.

Inigo Montoya

In The Princess Bride, Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin) is a Spanish swordfighter who seeks revenge on Count Rugen for the murder of his father, as he will so often remind you: “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!”

Dread Pirate Roberts

In The Princess Bride, Dread Pirate Roberts (Cary Elwes) is a pirate with a mythical reputation who is feared across the seven seas for his swordfighting skills. It’s revealed that Dread Pirate Roberts is actually a succession of individuals who pass on the name, with farm boy Westley as the latest.


In Game of Thrones, Shae of Lorath (Sibel Kekilli) is a prostitute who becomes involved with Tyrion Lannister. As with all relationships, theirs has its ups and downs like having to hide from Tyrion’s father who wants to kill her, having to avoid Cersei Lannister who is trying to turn her against Tyrion, and having to compete for Tyrion’s attention after he’s forced to marry.

Yayoi Kusama

Yayoi Kusama is a Japanese artist who’s best known for her works involving repetition of patterns and psychedelic colors. You can take a cue from her artwork and create your own costume by repeating a polka dot pattern on a red dress.

Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks) is slow-witted boy from Alabama whose endearing personality exposes him to many life-changing and history-changing events. Despite his below average IQ, Forrest achieves great things like being named an All-American football player, winning a Medal of Honor, and becoming a millionaire shrimper.

Oberyn Martell

Oberyn Martell (Pedro Pascal), better known as the Red Viper, travels to King’s Landing with his paramour Ellaria Sand to seek justice for his sister’s murder. He’s going to need both his quick wit and quick combat skills to bring down The Mountain.

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