Charlie from Bumblebee DIY Costume Guide

Charlie from Bumblebee

Charlie Watson, played by Hailee Steinfeld, is the classic type of teen angst in Bumblebee the film. She struggles to fit with the "in" crowd, and in a way she doesn't really care to. She is crazy about cars. Cars are what her and her late father bonded over the most. She gets super excited when she is able to land a deal with Uncle Hank for a rusty Volkswagen Beetle she found laying around his shop. The car turns out to be the transformer Bumblebee, who got roughed up during an epic battle. Their friendship begins in Charlie's garage with Bumblebee's surprise transformation, and things only get wilder from there.

Charlie from Bumblebee Costume 12345

About the Author

Esse Crea

Nostalgic vibes. Mainly here to relieve creative energy, and help you find great costume ideas. Warning: Soft spot for coming-of-age films.

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