Vin Diesel at the Guardians Premiere
At the European premiere of Guardians of the Galaxy in London, Vin Diesel did his best Groot impression, wearing stilts and donning an “I am Groot” shirt. We are all Groot, but some, like Vin, are more Groot than others.
Hotline Miami Biker
In Hotline Miami, Biker must battle Jacket, who like him has been receiving mysterious phone calls commanding him to perform brutal assassinations. Biker’s weapons of choice for these tasks are a meat cleaver and throwing stars.
Princess Anna of Arendelle
In Disney’s Frozen, the daring and optimistic Anna sets off on an adventure in the hopes of saving Arendelle from an eternal winter. With a sense of determination and a desire to reconnect with her sister Elsa, Princess Anna will meet her fate one way or another. Complete the look with this Princess Anna makeup tutorial.
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman is an Amazonian warrior princess, who possess superhuman powers and superior combat skills. With her Lasso of Truth and indestructible bracelets she fights those who seek to destroy the Amazon.
Muscles Glasses
Muscles Glasses (Alex Perrault) shows you how to eat right in Epic Meal Time. His dietary staples include meat, more meat, and bacon covered meat all topped off with Jack Daniel’s.
Nick Fury
In the Avengers, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He’s the one responsible for recruiting Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, and The Hulk to join forces to take on Loki. No biggie.