Courtney from Total Drama Island Costume
Courtney isn't what you probably think of when you imagine someone on a reality TV show. Voiced by Emilie-Claire Barlow for most of the show (Rochelle Wilson voiced Courtney in two episodes), it quickly becomes clear that Courtney is in it to win it and that she has big plans for the prize money. Unfortunately that leaves her little room for patience with other contestants. Especially Duncan. Or so she claims.
Courtney's style is thankfully not as high maintenance as she is and it makes for a great closet cosplay. A grey sweater matches grey gladiator sandals which coordinate with green capris and a white button down shirt worn under the grey sweater and cuffed at the elbows. A brown bobbed wig - or your own brown bob - finish off the look.
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About the Author
A.C. Rodgers
A.C. Rodgers is a writer and a researcher combining her love for pop culture with her passion for storytelling. She is easily distracted by Marvel, mythology, sci-fi, fantasy, a good book, or a nice cup of tea. When she's not writing for Carbon Costume she can be found on Twitter and Instagram or working on her latest novel,
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