Dustin Henderson DIY Costume Guide
In Stranger Things, Dustin Henderson (Gaten Matarazzo) is a boy who gets bullied because he has cleidocranial dysplasia, giving him a lisp, but still maintains a fun-loving personality. Dustin is part of a group of friends who band together over their love of comic books and D&D, and who later discovers the mysterious girl Eleven.
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The purple Brontosaurus hoodie that Dustin wears in season 2 is available on the Science Museum of Minnesota site. Get it while it lasts!
This isn’t related to the actual costume (which is very well made, by the way), but at the top, it’s Gaten, not Gatan. Just figured I would point that out, but as for the costume, I would totally make it if I wasn’t broke!
Thanks for the correction, Gaten deserves his name spelled right. It’s fixed now!