Galadriel DIY Costume Guide
Galadriel is a character in The Lord of the Rings. Possessing exceptional beauty and wisdom, she is one of the greatest elves of Middle Earth. She is also extremely powerful. In fact, her magical abilities are akin to that of Gandalf. This is in part to her possession of one of the Great Rings, Nenya, or the Ring of Adamant. She is admired by everyone, especially Gimli, who is in awe of her magnificent presence. Her mirror allows seekers to see possible events of the future. Galadriel gives each member of the Fellowship an Elven cloak as well as a gift. She gifts Frodo with a phial that shines bright in the dark. You can use a crystal rose quartz as her phial. In the film adaptation, Cate Blanchett plays this role.
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