
Triss Merigold from Netflix’s The Witcher

Triss Merigold (played by Anna Shaffer) is a Temerian sorceress who asks Geralt for help curing a striga who is also the rightful heir to the throne of Temeria. Triss wears jewel-toned solid color dresses, and has a warm fur coat. Her chandelier earrings are gold with white beads.

Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2

Claire Redfield is a college student searching for her missing brother, Chris. In the year 1998, during the events of the remake of Resident Evil 2, Claire’s (voiced by Stephanie Panisello) search takes her to Raccoon City, where she battles a series of challenging monsters and zombies before finally having the reunion she’s hoped for.

Rosalind Costume from Bioshock Infinite

Make Your Own: Rosalind Lutece from Bioshock Infinite

Rosalind Lutece is one of the many characters from 2013’s Bioshock Infinite. She is a quantum physicist and together with […]

Luke Triton from Professor Layton

Luke Triton from Professor Layton

Luke Triton is a fixture of the Professor Layton game series, always standing by the eponymous professor’s side as he leaves no puzzle unsolved! As Professor Layton’s self-proclaimed apprentice, young Luke dives deep into learning about detective work and what it means to be a true gentleman. Luke’s outfit from the first trilogy of Layton mysteries emphasizes his youthfulness, with drooping suspenders and a retro newsboy cap. The addition of a crossbody bag makes this costume especially convention-friendly!

Professor Layton from the Professor Layton games

Professor Hershel Layton from the Professor Layton Series

Professor Hershel Layton’s past is shrouded in plenty of mystery, but what we know for sure about him is that he personifies true gentlemanliness – a trait he tries to reinforce in his young apprentice and assistant, Luke Triton. Whether he’s solving puzzles (“A true gentleman leaves no puzzle unsolved!”) or exploring unusual locales across Europe, Professor Layton can rarely be found without his signature top hat and suit. You, too, can now dress like a true gentleman!

Jacob Seed from Far Cry 5

Jacob Seed from Far Cry 5

Jacob Seed (voiced by Mark Pellegrino) is a secondary antagonist in one of the more controversial Far Cry installments. He’s a member of a fringe religious and survivalist cult known as Eden’s Gate. He is their “protector” or “enforcer” which means he recruits new members through force. He also brainwashes members so that they can be cued to violence with nothing more than a song.

He is a military veteran suffering from PTSD among other issues. These lead him to commit himself fully to Eden’s Gate and their survivalist mentality. He is always armed with at least a large knife and still wears his dog tags and his army jacket. For a fully authentic look, fans can special order name patches and dog tags that say “Seed” as well as the rest of his information.

The rest of his costume consists of black combat boots, dark jeans, and a grey t-shirt as well as a survival whistle and lucky rabbit’s foot on a chain around his neck.

yennefer from the witcher

Yennefer from Netflix’s The Witcher

Yennefer of Vengerberg (played by Anya Chalotra) us a powerful sorceress on Netflix’s The Witcher. Always a love interest and occasionally an ally of Geralt, she has spent much of her life doing whatever necessary to put her brutal upbringing behind her as she amasses more and more power. Yennefer typically wears clothing dominated by black and grey, often with multiple layers.

dr robotnik from sonic 2020

Dr. Robotnik from Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)

Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik (played by Jim Carrey) is the main villain in the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Dr. Robotnik undergoes a stark transformation during the course of the film, evolving from a far more normal looking man into the bald-headed, mustachioed villain who is well-recognized by fans of Sega. Dr. Robotnik’s costumes evolve from a plan black outfit, to a red and black uniform before Dr. Robotnik’s clothes (and sanity) are damaged during his final confrontation with Sonic.

Ciri from the Witcher

Ciri from Netflix’s The Witcher

Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (played by Freya Allan) is the princess of Cintra and sole heir to the throne. Better known as Ciri, the young princess is forced to flee her homeland after her grandmother is killed during an attack by Nilfgaard. Ciri wears warm boots, a cloak, and wide leg pants that look almost like a dress as she walks during her search for Geralt.

Geralt of Rivia from the Witcher

Geralt from Netflix’s The Witcher

Geralt of Rivia (played by Henry Cavill) is the main protagonist of Netflix’s The Witcher series based on the popular books and video games. As a Witcher, Geralt spends much of his time slaying monsters and being paid to do so by desperate and terrified people. Geralt’s clothing is black and often made of leather. His armor is designed to help protect him from the monstrous forces of evil (and occasional brazen human) he faces regularly.

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