

In Overwatch, McCree is a gunslinger and vigilante. Near or far, he’s able to fell his opponents with deadly accuracy, fanning the hammer on his Peacekeeper, stunning enemies with flashbang, and activating his deadeye ability whenever it hits high noon.

Underswap Sans

In a certain Undertale AU, Underswap, where two character’s identities are swapped. Underswap Sans has the personality of Undertale’s Papyrus. Sans, known as “Blueberry”, is the younger brother of Papyrus and a major character in Underswap. He is agreed, by many, to be adorably cute.

Alex Weiss

In Tomb Raider, Alex Weiss is a young hacker and electronics geek who is extremely smart albeit lazy. He uses his gifts to make a living through dodgy enterprises. Alex is shown to have a crush on Lara Croft, who in turn considers him to be strange but sweet.


Pikachu is by far the most popular of all Pokemon, and the most loyal, never leaving Ash Ketchum’s side. This pika-like creatures has a thunderbolt tail and can emit sparks of electricity from its cute red cheeks.

Frank West in Dead Rising 4

In Dead Rising 4, Frank West is a photographer looking for the next big scoop when he stumbles upon some strange events in the small town of Willamette, Colorado. After fending off a major zombie attack, he must return during the Christmas season to fight off another outbreak.

Lincoln Clay

In Mafia III, Lincoln Clay is a Vietnam War vet. When he finds that his adopted family, the Black Mob, has been killed, he seeks revenge on the Marcano Crime Family and starts his own criminal empire.

Steamdress Alice

Steamdress Alice is from Alice in Wonderland Madness Returns. The Steamdress is the first domain dress that’s based on the steampunk and mechanical appearance of the Hatter’s Domain. It features a neck-frill like collar, a Waspie waist cincher with a harness attached and leather, buckled fingerless gloves.

Make Your Own: Tracer from Overwatch

Skill Level: Advanced I would recommend this NOT be the first costume you make yourself if you have never endeavored […]

Pokemon Go Trainer

The Pokemon Go Trainer is the playable character in Pokemon Go. Choose your outfit so you can show your allegiance to Team Valor, Team Instinct, or Team Mystic, while you’re out searching nearby for rare monsters.

Master Chief

In Halo, MCPON John-117 is Master Chief, a faceless biochemically and cybernetically-enhanced supersoldier who was raised from birth to be a killing machine. He’s rarely seen without his armor or helmet.

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