Greef Karga from The Mandalorian DIY Costume Guide
Greef Karga (played by Carl Weathers) is the head of the bounty hunters in the Hunters' Guild. He hands out the assignments and ensures that the clients pay the hunters. Unless, that is, one of the hunters runs off with bounty. Then things get a little messy.
Copying Greef Karga's look takes a little bit of work. Most Star Wars costumes aren't easy to recreate from your typical closet and Karga's is no different. You can get close, though. Brown leather pants and a light brown undershirt set up your base layers. Over that you'll want to add a brown leather vest and a brown leather tunic-style coat. Over the waist of your pants you'll want to add brown fabric for a belt pad and then a brown leather belt. Brown leather boots and black gloves finish the look while a tracking fob, bounty puck, and official license get you ready to go after your own bounties!
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