Ink Sans DIY Costume Guide

Ink Sans

In the Undertale AU, Ink Sans is a Sans who lives off the creativity of artists. He's capable of drawing everything and bringing it to life, a skill he uses to help artists create new AUs.

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On a bizarre adventure

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  1. Exactly how would you put this on?! this is alot of clothes! O-O

  2. InkxErrorchara January 20, 2017 Reply

    How do I do this from simple supplies at home? I need to figure out how to home cosplay.

  3. Luna x Ink sans June 4, 2017 Reply

    If you look at the picture you can see what goes on before what but if you can’t you must just be that dumb

  4. Taking out a and mask and the blue tape (which I don’t need) the total is $154 dollars… any way to make it cheaper?

  5. Will the paint cups even fit in the ammo holder thing?

  6. Tech Titan 862 September 18, 2017 Reply

    What do you use the tape for
    I’m being ink for Halloween and I have all the supplies but what do you use the tape for

  7. Tech Titan 862 October 14, 2017 Reply

    the tape does not stick to the leggings what can i use in place

  8. thanks for this im being ink for halloween this really helped

  9. Madison Bielamowicz September 29, 2018 Reply

    I live in Texas…. I really want to be ink, but would this be too hot??

  10. I live in Texas…. I really want to be ink, but would this be too hot??

  11. Where can I get the sans mask\head? I will need three of them, Ink, Dream, and blueberry, I have nothing for any costumes and I dont know where I can find any if it either, I tried searching on google but it didn’t work.

  12. ink is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!He is the best of all sans.;)

  13. what’s with all the ladies stuff? I’m male and want to cosplay ink.

    • Dennis van der Lely January 17, 2020 Reply

      So? Im going as ink sans to Comic Con and most of the stuff you’ll buy no one will notice your wearing female clothing, just man up dude, its not awkard or anything. No one will notice it.

  14. Can we use face paints instead? My school doesn’t allow masks for Halloween and I’m going as my Inktale OC

  15. This is really helpful for references btw!

  16. Thankyou!

  17. WHat ABouT The PAinT BruSH!!!

  18. le paint brush on his back is a key component :(

  19. sry but one more thing…

    those paint cup thing are definatly waay to big what can i use other than that????

  20. oh., this is a big help THANKS SO MUCH ^w^

  21. OH and i can make little hot-glue hearts and stick them on their like in the sans picure!!

  22. those pill bottles will do PERFECT! and ill paint the caps the same color

  23. kaydence March 4, 2020 Reply

    thats such a good idea!

  24. thanks a bunch

  25. and about the diy pain brush on his back… how does one make the handle that fat/big/not pole skinny .__.’

  26. plz tell me

  27. i wish u would reply[not to be rude

    where do i get the stuff from, like when i click on it it dosent take me to it but shows a not working google page

  28. Cosplay and Tacos 🌮 May 6, 2020 Reply

    First year I won’t be complaining about a 30 degrees halloween xD

  29. Casey i suggest doing what i am doing- using a bunch of cans stacked up as a pole that then has a diameter of 5 or 6 cm. For the brush tip i am putting a cardboard 3d swirly tip on a balloon to paper-maché (i think thats how its spelt). On the pole of the brush you can wrap thick paper/cardboard and paint to dark brown. More cardboard painted silver/silver yarn (Idk) to make the main decals.

    It is a lot of clothes isnt it??!
    But luckily for me its winter and theres a bitter wind a well (is that really lucky?!)

  30. thx for the tips, but the clothes by themselves are a lot, it was , .. like a suggestion :/ | also, I might change the scarf bc I looks a bit .. not like the ink scarf :| I qish I just had da muns for it T`T

  31. i know this was probably made a few years ago, but hey thanks! im getting a cosplay of ink so i can get all this stuff.

  32. 2nd comment, but is the blue sweater/jacket for the one around his waist? if you dont respond idrc i just want to make sure

  33. shipinpercabethXD April 5, 2021 Reply

    I think the tape might be for the shoes idk tho

    • A.C. Rodgers April 14, 2021 Reply

      Hi there! The tape is for the designs on the legs and arms.

  34. This is sick! I’m about to cosplay Ink for next Halloween.

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