Isabelle from Animal Crossing: New Horizons Costume
In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Isabelle is more or less the go-to person on every island when you need something done for its inhabitants. Anything other than construction, that is. She's generally in a happy mood and, should news run thin, eager to share the latest and greatest news in television shows.
There are a few ways that you can achieve Isabelle's look. The first way uses body paint to mimic the color of Isabelle's fur. It can be applied to your face, neck, hands, arms, and legs. The other option is to use blush on your cheeks to mimic Isabelle's blush but otherwise skip over her fur with the exception of yellow leggings. You can also add ears and a tail to both looks since Isabelle is a dog-type villager.
Regardless of which look you choose, you will want to use a blonde wig for the ponytail on top of her head, a pink button down, a white skirt, and black shoes. Isabelle's shirt is a Nook Inc. branded shirt which might be hard to find. But a bleach pen and a little DIY can turn a basic pink button down into your very own Nook Inc. merchandise. It'll be the last piece of the perfect Isabelle cosplay!
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