Lestat de Lioncourt from Interview with the Vampire Costume
Lestat de Lioncourt (played by Tom Cruise in the movie Interview with a Vampire) is a French-born vampire. Turned sometime around the French Revolution He did not want to be turned and was not warned prior to either his turning or the death of the vampire that made him what he was. As such he didn't have much knowledge of wider vampire customs and culture until after he had already turned Louise and, later, Claudia.
He has a volatile temper that flares when his lust for earthly delights is denied. His character is tempered later by knowledge and maturity. But in the first film he is very much a pleasure seeker tired of seeking out thrills alone. And when he is challenged, the results are always destructive.
In life and undeath Lestat is a fashionable man. He wears his long wavy hair either down or back in a bun. Per the fashion of his time he wears a billowing white shirt, a brocade wist coat, a frock coat, knee high white socks, knee breeches, and buckle shoes. And, of course, his costume would not be complete without a pair of fangs.
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