Maude Lebowski from The Big Lebowski Costume

Maude Lebowski from The Big Lebowski

In the Coen Brothers' film The Big Lebowski, Maude Lebowski (played by Julianne Moore) is a provocative avant-garde artist and the daughter of Jeffrey Lebowski.  She is highly critical of her father's relationship with Bunny, and is the person responsible for the Dude losing his rug.  During their initial real life interaction, Maude is seen wearing a long olive green robe, and later, she dons a gold Viking valkyrie costume in one of the Dude's dreams.  When crafting your Maude costume, you will need to decide whether the silhouette or the color of her robe are more important to you, as it can be very difficult to find one that does both.  Adding additional props and touches to a fabricated Maude Viking costume can help bring your costume to the next level.

Maude Lebowski from The Big Lebowski Costume 12345678

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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