
Pitch Black from Rise of the Guardians

Nearly every child knows you should be afraid of the dark. Adults just forget. But in Rise of the Guardians, Pitch Black makes sure we remember. Voiced by Jude Law, DreamWorks’ Pitch Black is equal parts nightmare, bogeyman, and the shadow under your bed that keeps your feet tucked up tight under your blanket. He is every bit as terrifying as he in the original books by William Joyce. And it has made him one of DreamWorks’ most enduring villains.

There are two ways to go about a Pitch cosplay. The first is to forgo any body paint and let the clothing speak for itself. The other is to use grey body paint to mimic his otherworldly look. Either option works!

Regardless of which option you choose, there are a few things you will need. A black wig and black boots to start. If you want to go with the canon interpretation of Pitch you will also need a long black robe. If you want a more fandom-based version you’ll need black pants, a black shirt, and a long flowing black sweater.

(This costume also converts easily into a Sandman costume if you’re going to a multi-day con!)

Elrond in Lord of the Rings

Elrond is a minor character in Lord of the Rings. He is the wise and noble half-elf who rules Rivendell, as its original founder. He is also the father of Arwen. When Gandalf resists asking more from Frodo, he persuades Fellowship to continue its journey of destroying the Ring. This leads to his formation of the Council of Elrond. In the film adaptation, Hugo Weaving plays this role. This look requires some minor crafting, as you’ll need the silver puff paint to draw the pattern on the coat. Tuck the red scarf into the brown cummerbund so it drapes over.

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Valkyrie from Thor: Ragnarok

Valkyrie is a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Played by Tessa Thompson, she first appears in Thor: Ragnarok. Her actual name is Brunnhilde, though she goes by Valkyrie because she was part of a group of Asgardian warriors called the Valkyries. Before selling Thor to the Grandmaster, she was a bounty hunter on the planet Skaar named Scrapper 142. She befriends Thor and Bruce Banner, ultimately joining the Revengers to defeat Hela. In Avengers: Endgame, Valkyrie survived the snap and helped relocate the Asgardians. Later on she led the Asgardians in the battle against Thanos. Thor then appointed her as the new leader and king of Asgard. To achieve her look from Thor: Ragnarok, style your hair into a half updo top knot. With the NYX White Eyeliner, draw the lines around her eyes, and use this close up picture for reference.

kristoff frozen character


Kristoff (voiced by Jonathan Groff, who you may know as King George III from Hamilton) is a character in Frozen. Rugged and broad shouldered, he works as an ice harvester with his reindeer companion, Sven. At first, he preferred being on his own, playing his guitar and mimicking the voice of his reindeer. Although Princess Anna convinces him to help find her sister, Elsa, in the North Mountain. On the journey, Anna and Kristoff develop feelings for each other. He introduces her to his adoptive family, the Rock Trolls, who call Kristoff a bit of a “fixer-upper.” He returns to save the sisters from Prince Hans. In the end, Anna and Kristoff get together. Use the hot glue to add fur to the collar, sleeves, and bottom of the t-shirt.

Robin Hood from Disney's Robin Hood (1973)

Robin Hood from Disney’s Robin Hood (1973)

Disney’s Robin Hood is one of its most enduring films. From its debut in 1973 to today, it’s a Disney classic that’s still delighting families everywhere. Its dashing hero (voiced by Brian Bedford) stole into audience’s hearts like only a fox can and he’s still there today! No matter how many times Robin’s tale is retold, Bedford’s rendition is among the most loved.

There are two ways to approach this costume. One uses body paint and a face paint kit to get a whole-body look like Robin’s. The other is to leave your face and arms alone, then rely on orange leggings, a fox tail, and fox ears to mimic Robin’s look. In both cases you’ll want medieval-style shoes, a green tunic, a broad leather belt, and a yellow Robin Hood hat. The hat’s color is key because in most versions with a similar hat it is green. The yellow sets this aside as Disney’s classic Robin as much as the fox tail does.

Finally you’ll want a bow and arrow as well as a quiver. As with all weapons, however, make sure the they’re allowed at the convention you plan to attend!

bing bong inside out character

Bing Bong

“Who’s your friend that likes to play?” In the Pixar movie Inside Out, Bing Bong (voiced by Richard Kind) is Riley’s imaginary friend who resembles a pink, fuzzy elephant. Riley created him when she was three years old to cope with her childhood. Cheerful yet naive, he cries candy and squeals like a dolphin. Bing Bong makes the ultimate sacrifice after helping Joy blast out of the Memory Dump, causing him to permanently fade from Riley’s memories.

eowyn from the lord of the rings

Éowyn from the Lord of the Rings

Éowyn (played by Miranda Otto) is the sister of Éomer in The Lord of the Rings.  She is a minor character introduced late in the series.  She is at first enamored of Aragorn, though she eventually goes on to marry Faramir.  Éowyn is incredibly strong-willed and eventually impersonates a man in order to fight with her fellow countryman.  She saves King Théodon’s life and kills the Witch-King of the Nazgul, who a prophesy had said could be killed by no man.  If you’re willing to really commit to your costume, feel free to dirty up your outfit and tatter your cloak for a more authentically used look.


Jiminy Cricket

“Cricket’s the name…Jiminy Cricket!” Jiminy Cricket is the secondary protagonist in the classic Disney film, Pinocchio. He is a wise-cracking yet dependable cricket who wears a top hat and always carries an umbrella. To help Pinocchio become a real boy, the Blue Fairy appoints him as his conscience. However he proves too high strung and impatient to be a caretaker. But ultimately his loving heart gives him the strength to grow and therefore realize he wants Pinocchio to succeed as they are truly best friends. Furthermore, Jiminy Cricket has been used as a mascot for the Disney company alongside the likes of Mickey Mouse and Tinkerbell.

Daniel Plainview from There Will Be Blood

Daniel Plainview from There Will Be Blood

Daniel Plainview (played by Daniel Day-Lewis) is not what you would call a nice guy. And that’s not at all surprising given that he’s based of a real-life oil tycoon. The wild west was, well, wild. And the oil tycoons were some of the roughest of all. A fact Daniel Day-Lewis doesn’t let the audience forget!

Amassing the wealth of an oil baron isn’t exactly easy. And I wouldn’t recommend running around a convention acting like Plainview. But you can copy his look pretty easily! Start with a brown felt hat and a good pair of brown boots. Add those to a brown three-piece suit and a white button down shirt. Finish off the look with a pocket watch on a chain and you’re ready for your own wild west adventure.

prince hans frozen character

Prince Hans of the Southern Isles

Prince Hans of the Southern Isles (voiced by Santino Fontana) is a character in the Disney movie Frozen. He visits the kingdom of Arendelle to attend Queen Elsa‘s coronation ball. Princess Anna becomes smitten, and they plan to marry immediately. However Elsa refuses to bless their marriage, which causes tension between the sisters. When Anna is dying from a frozen heart, she asks Prince Hans to kiss her in an act of true love. Plot twist: he reveals he never loved Anna and only wanted to marry her to take over the kingdom, as his status as one of twelve older brothers meant he could never become king. He then lies to Elsa, saying she killed her sister. Anna rushes in time to save a grieving Elsa from his sword. In the epilogue, Anna punches Prince Hans and he falls over the boat into the water.

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