Claire Standish

Leather and the color pink, those are the two things that sum up the look of Claire Standish. The popular girl wore plenty of both and while her outfit may have been expensive, these days you can score some similar items for relatively cheap. You don’t even need to wear real diamonds. However, you may be asked to perform the lipstick trick in which case we suggest a high quality brand. It makes it a little classier.

Miami Vice

Miami Vice is a 1980’s TV show that starred Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas as two vice detectives working undercover in Miami. Their look was characterized by pastel or brightly colored T-shirts under suit jackets. Don’t forget to show a few chest hairs to complete the look.

Stu Price from The Hangover

Stu Price from The Hangover

In the The Hangover 2, Ed Helms’ character, Dr. Stu Price, gets a face tattoo a la Mike Tyson. The use of this face tattoo in the film actually launched a real life lawsuit between the tattoo artist and Warner Bros. Get your Stu costume together with a pair of wire frame eyeglasses, a business casual plaid short sleeve shirt, and khakis then stick a tribal temporary tattoo on the side of your face. For extra laughs, black out one of your front teeth to mimic Helms’ self-mutilation in the original The Hangover.

Mr. Bean

Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) is a childish and self-centered buffoon who turns everyday tasks into catastrophic disasters. He lives alone with his best friend Teddy, doing his best to fit into society. He does such a poor job, rumor has it that he’s an extra terrestrial.

Captain Haddock

In The Adventures of Tintin, Captain Archibald Haddock is captain of the merchant vessel Karaboudjan. And like so many sea captains, he has a fondness, you might say, for the bottle and the pipe.

Log Lady

Dressed in earth tones and red glasses, the Log Lady could easily pass as anyone’s peculiar aunt or even Sally Jessy Raphael’s doppelganger. However, it’s her timber fashion accessory that really sets her apart. Of course, we don’t expect you to scour the woods for a clairvoyant log. You can just use your imagination on that one.


In Trailer Park Boys, Bubbles (Mike Smith) is instantly recognizable from his coke-bottle glasses, western shirts, and entourage of kittens. He might have child-like mannerisms, but he’s probably the smartest of the bunch. And let’s get one thing straight: Bubbles might live in a trailer park, but he doesn’t live in a trailer. No, he lives in a tool shed.

Michael Cera in This Is the End

In This Is the End, Michael Cera shows his true colors, and by that we mean his one-of-a-kind windbreaker. If the ground starts shaking behind him, step back. And if he asks you how his coke smells, watch out.

Tom from (500) Days of Summer

In (500) Days of Summer, Tom Hansen (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is the classic underachiever, trained as an architect but working as a writer for a greeting card company. He falls hard for a co-worker named Summer and they eventually date, but something tells me that their days are numbered.

Barry Egan

In Punch-Drunk Love, Barry Egan (Adam Sandler) is a lonely businessman with anger issues. His family, made up of seven obnoxious, overbearing sisters, doesn’t help. But things look up when he meets Lena and hatches a scheme to collect a million frequent flyer miles by buying pudding. That’s a lot of pudding.