Rex Salazar from Generator Rex Costume

Rex Salazar from Generator Rex

Rex Salazar (voiced by Daryl Sabara) is the main character of the TV series Generator Rex. Rex is a teenager with the ability to grow machines and weapons from his body at will because of the nanites in his body. Rex is an Exponentially Variegated Organism (EVO), and has the power to heal other EVOs when they are injured. Rex's outfit consists of a red and gold moto jacket, and black pants with blue geometric details that glow blue-white when he uses his powers. To replicate this effect, you could use glow in the dark fabric paint to create the designs, so they will stand out in the dark. Likewise, a red and gold moto jacket may be difficult come by, but you could experiment with some gold leather paint on a red and white jacket if you're feeling crafty.

Rex Salazar from Generator Rex Costume 12345678

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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