
Bobby Singer from Supernatural

Supernatural may be coming to a close but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep dressing like your favorite hunter. And Bobby Singer (played by Jim Beaver) is almost always at the top of fans’ Favorite Hunters list. He is the surrogate father that got the boys through more tough times than any two people really ought to have. And the literal end of the world came around – every time it came around – Bobby was there to help stop it.

Cosplaying as Bobby is fairly easy. You just need work boots, jeans, a t-shirt, a plaid flannel, and a trucker cap. The t-shirt should have some sort of graphic on it, likely from any number of small diners or gas stations where Bobby stopped while on a hunt. Things get a little tricky, though, when it comes to the condition of the clothes. On top of being a hunter Bobby is a mechanic. His clothes are work-worn and often oil stained, which will take some doing when you buy the clothes brand new. It’s worth it, though, to pull off the Bobby Singer look!

And of course what hunter would want to go out without their demon hunting knife? Just be sure it complies with the weapons policy of the convention you’re attending and the location it’s in. If it doesn’t opt for salt and demon traps instead!

Garu from Pucca

Garu is the second main character – and main love interest – in the show Pucca. Though if you ask him, a love interest is the last thing he wants to be. Despite the heart on his shirt he is all about following his martial arts practice. And that means dressing like it. He wears tight fitting black clothes and keeps his hair styled in short pigtails. Few wigs are that short, so cosplayers will have to adjust any wig they buy. A little DIY will also be needed to attach the large heart patch to the front of the shirt, but that’s a small price to pay for cosplaying comfort!

gortons fisherman

Gorton’s Fisherman

You can trust this Gorton’s Fisherman costume will be a hit! A masculine silver fox, the Gorton’s Fisherman is ruggedly handsome and wears bright yellow gear to keep him dry and a warm navy blue sweater.

Arsenal from Arrow

Arsenal from Arrow

Roy Harper is better known in Arrow by his alias of Arsenal. He is played by Colton Haynes on and appears as a recurring character until he joins forces with Oliver Queen and enters the vigilante community. His path is still far from easy but he he one of Oliver’s most loyal allies and ultimately ends up engaged to Thea Queen, Oliver’s sister.

Although Roy has taken up the green mantle of Arrow and has put off his own red Arsenal suit several times, he is the one and only Arsenal. Identified by the red and black coloring of his clothes, the many knives strapped to his legs, and his iconic laced leather jacket, he is often seen as a harsher version of Oliver Queen’s Arrow.

Samuel Brett from Alien

Samuel Brett (played by Harry Dean Stanton) was the engineering technician aboard the USCSS Nostromo in Alien. Brett was one of the first to fall to the Xenomorph while repairing the ship. Brett is one of the blue-collar workers aboard the ship. He feels overworked and underpaid for his skilled trade and is constantly asking Dallas for a raise. Brett sports a messy loosely buttoned Hawaiian shirt which makes his character memorable despite his short time on screen.

Skull Boy from Ruby Gloom

Skull Boy from Ruby Gloom

Skull Boy (voiced by Scott McCord) is a character in the cartoon Ruby Gloom. With no clear idea on who his family is, he is in a constant state of change. Some days he believes he is descended from a long line of actors and the next he is descended from astronomers. This leads to many, many costume changes. But through them all, there is one outfit he comes back to and it is this one. Ox blood converse, grey jeans, a teal belt with large skull belt buckle, a black turtleneck, and fingerless gloves.

Cosplayers can opt for a full mask like the one pictured – one that’s more silly than scary just like Skull Boy himself – or they use makeup and/or prosthetics to achieve the character’s bony appearance.

john moore from the alienist

John Moore from The Alienist

John Moore (portrayed by Luke Evans) is a newspaper illustrator and friend of Dr. Laszlo Kreizler on TNT’s The Alienist.  John can be melancholy and prone to self-destructive behavior as the result of a broken engagement and the death of his younger brother many years before.  John uses his skills as an illustrator to create crime scene documentation that prove helpful to Dr. Kreizler and Sara Howard as they continue their investigations.  John comes from a wealthy family and dresses the part well.  If you are recreating his look, don’t be afraid of mixing patterns and colors in traditional Victorian silhouettes.

Arthur Koblenz Dallas From Alien

Arthur Koblenz Dallas (played by Tom Skerritt) is the captain of The USCSS Nostromo in Alien. Dallas was brash in making decisions and ultimately made choices that fatally harmed the group and himself. Dallas’s western style work jacket is his most identifiable characteristic.

Nate Jacobs from Euphoria

Nate Jacobs played by Jacob Elordi is a major antagonist in the HBO series Euphoria. He is your stereotypical high school jock. The East Highland star quarterback is well known for his toxic behaviors. His father Cal Jacobs is equally toxic and has raised Nate to push down his emotions leading to him usually exploding with anger. Nate struggles with his sexuality and has a lot of internalized homophobia. It seems he also knows something about his own father’s sexuality which has been a long-kept family secret. Nate is very manipulative and abusive towards his on and off again girlfriend Maddy Parez. The two don’t seem to stop sneaking around and getting back together. Nate’s style is super simple and preppy. The attire is casual but very well kept. This costume should be easy to put together even as a last-minute Halloween costume. It would work great as an addition to a Euphoria group costume.

Jessie from Brawl Stars

Jessie from Brawl Stars

In Brawl Stars, Jessie is a girl who is handy building gadgets. As a brawler, she herself has moderate health and damage, but is supported by a dog-like turret that she can deploy in the field named Scrappy. There’s also the Summer Jessie skin that has her dressed for summer fun.

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