Finn from The Lego Movie
In The Lego Movie, Finn (Jadon Sand) finds Emmet after he falling through the Hole of Infinity. His father, “The Man Upstairs“, is whom the Lord Business character is based on. At first, his father becomes angry with Finn for playing with the intricate and detailed LEGO displays the Man had built. He and Emmet watched in horror as his father Krazy Glues his perceived creations he had built. Eventually, the father has a change of heart, just like Lord Business does when Emmet convinces him to put the Piece of Resistance on the Kragle.
7 Grand Dad
7 Grand Dad is an infamous bootleg NES game based on a pirated version of The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino and Hoppy, marketed in Russia as Super Mario 7. Due to the absurd nature of the game, it became a running joke on Vinesauce Joel streams, and later SilvaGunner videos.
Louis from Left 4 Dead
In VALVe’s survival co-op video game Left 4 Dead, Louis (voiced by Earl Alexander) was a Junior Systems Analyst at “Franklin Brothers” in the IT department located in Philadelphia PA, until the second day after the first Infection, where he joins the other three survivors. He is known for the “Pills here” meme popular in YouTube Poops.
Carl from The Aquabats
On The Aquabats Super Show, Carl is an enemy in cahoots with Cobra Man. He has a magic staff and runs the circus where Cobra Man lived and worked. Carl uses the magic stick for all his doing, but he is no good at hand to hand combat.
Dr. Loomis
Dr. Loomis is the nemesis of Michael Myers in the Halloween franchise. Loomis was the doctor for Michael, and as a result, he understands him better than anyone else. He appears more than any character besides Michael, being in Halloween 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. In all appearances, he is portrayed by Donald Pleasence. Malcolm McDowell portrayed him in the Rob Zombie remakes, but this guide focuses on his original appearance. If you want to do his Halloween 4 appearance, you will need facial scar make-up.
Papa Emeritus II
Ghost is a Swedish rock band that was formed in Linköping, Sweden in 2006. The lead singer, Tobias Forge, is known for his various imaginative stage personas. One of his most iconic is Papa Emeritus II, the second of Ghost’s supposed lead singers.
Pokémon Trainer from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pokémon Trainer is a playable character who has more than a passing resemblance to Ash Ketchum. He can interchangeably battle with his three pokemon Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard.
Peter Graham from Hereditary
Peter Graham (Alex Wolff) is a main character in Hereditary. He is a morosely withdrawn teenage pothead who begins to get signals from ghosts, to take on the aspects of someone who died. For this costume, don’t forget the nose bandage, which you can just make yourself with gauze and first-aid tape.
Filename2 is a corrupted character from Baldi’s Basics in Education and Learning. He can only be found in Baldi’s Office after fulfilling the requirements for the secret ending and can be heard in the normal end screen. He appears to be a T-posing set of clothes, hair, and eyes. He wears a blue set of jeans and a red T-Shirt. He claims that he is corrupted and warns The Protagonist to never tell anyone about the game, close it, and never play it again.
Strong Sad
In Homestar Runner, Strong Sad is the brother of Strong Bad and Strong Mad. He has a large gray body that sounds like an inflated rubber ball when hit, and large elephantine feet that he calls soolnds, which would fetch a pretty penny from poachers.