
Danny Torrance

In The Shining, Danny Torrance (Danny Lloyd) has horrific premonitions about the Overlook Hotel, which his father Jack was hired to take care of for the winter. When Danny first arrives at the hotel and explores it on his Big Wheels trike, there’s something that draws him to Room 237.

Hermes Conrad

In Futurama, Hermes Conrad (voiced by Phil LaMarr) is a workaholic bureaucrat. He’s buttoned down in the past though, competing in the Olympics as a limbo athlete. He frequently makes exclamations like “tally me banana” in his heavy Jamaican accent.

Jerry Seinfeld

Jerry Seinfeld usually keeps his wardrobe low key until he inadvertently agrees to promote a shirt designed by Kramer’s girlfriend. He’s pressured into wearing “The Puffy Shirt” on The Today Show even though he protests by saying, “But I don’t want to be a pirate!”


In The Matrix, Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) is the captain of the Nebuchadnezzar. He leads the crew in keeping the Agents at bay and finding The One.

Randy Daytona

In Balls of Fury, Randy Daytona (Dan Fogler) is a ping pong prodigy who decides to achieve his unfulfilled potential. He starts his training in a Chinatown noodle shop, naturally.

Richmond Felicity Avenal

In The I.T. Crowd, Richmond (Noel Fielding) works in the IT Department with Roy and Moss but no one really knows what he does there, including him. In fact, no one even knew he worked in the office until Jen finds him behind the red door.

Captain N

In this Nintendo animated series, Kevin Keene is Captain N, a teenager who must defeat Mother Brain to save Videoland, armed with nothing more than an NES light zapper and controller belt buckle. Good luck with that, kid.


On the Marshall Mathers LP, Eminem asks for the real Slim Shady to please stand up. All it really takes is hair bleach and a white tee to start imitating.

Roy Trenneman

In The I.T. Crowd, Roy Trenneman (Chris O’Dowd) works as a support technician along with Maurice Moss. He’s lazy and will do anything to avoid work. If you need computer help, try his expert advice: “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”

Guy Fieri

Guy Fieri is a celebrity chef and host of countless shows on the Food Network, most famously Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. His unique, in your face style includes frosted tips, flame shirts, and sunglasses worn on the back of his head!

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